Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: July 25-31, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck

The Sun and The Universe

This week we welcome a New Moon in Leo on July 28. The cards also show lighter and more playful energy entering our world. We take time to honor how far we have come and make time for celebration.

The Sun and The Universe invoke two sides of our spirit, channeling our youthful and mature energy. We are drawn to be in our bodies and find space for healing.

Our first messenger this week is The Sun. This happy card depicts rays of light flowing into the Universe. Within these rays are all the signs of the Zodiac and the figures dance in the warmth. Innocence, fun, and inner child connection are all aspects of this card.

The Sun offers us deep healing, especially regarding our emotions. We feel drawn to reflect on the cycles of life, death, and rebirth. The card shows us the gifts of being present and embracing hope.

We are called to breathe deeply, spend time in nature, and ground ourselves in the here and now. We embrace our senses and immerse ourselves completely.

The Sun wants us to recall what brought us joy when we were young. What made you happy as a child? What were your favorite activities? How can you bring some of those joys back into your life?

Our next card is The Universe. This card comes up when we have been working hard and making steps towards our evolution. The Universe wants us to feel proud and honor the growth we have made instead of focusing on what more we need to do.

The figure on the center of the card is dancing naked with a snake, surrounded by all four elements. She is in a place of celebration, mastery, and letting go of fear. She has gone through all the trials and tribulations of the Fool’s Journey and is in her power.

To invite the spirit of The Universe card into your world, offer her the gift of walking, hiking, or dancing. Being in your body instead of your head is a great way to uplift this energy.

Turning on some music and allowing yourself to let go can be very healing. You can also go to the nearest patch of wilderness and put your bare feet on the earth. Close your eyes and smell the sweet air.

The Sun card is guiding us to a path of loving our inner child and entering a place of safety, protection, and recovery. The Universe helps us acknowledge our hard work instead of thinking about where we need to go next. The work will always be there, but this week, we deserve congratulations.

Spend time honoring yourself. Do something that makes you feel good. Indulge in an activity that makes your body feel alive. This will help you recharge for what’s next on your path.

Under the influence of the cards and the energy of the New Moon in Leo, reflect on how far you have come and send yourself some loving affirmations. We plant seeds of kindness before we step into a fresh lunar cycle.

Mantra for the week: I close my eyes and invite in warm and playful energy. I’m proud of how far I have come and give myself loving-kindness.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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