Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: March 30-April 5, 2020

weekly tarot reading april

The Sun and The Hermit

Before I pulled the cards for this week, I thought maybe I would just write about the Hermit. We are in such a Hermit time and reflecting on its meaning would be a good practice for us all .

But then I shuffled the cards so we could connect to what the Universe wanted for us, and sure enough, we got the Hermit. The Sun came along with it to give us its beautiful insights as well.

The Hermit is teeming with passion and appreciation for life. He is aware of the preciousness of existence. He is aware that each moment is fleeting.

In his bones he feels how short our time is on earth. This knowledge does not make him depressed or anxious, instead it gives him a beautiful perspective. He inhabits the moment, he doesn’t take anything for granted, and he does not stress the small annoyances.

He has grown a profound bond with himself and the earth. He walks in gratitude, grateful to be alive and to spend time on this magical planet. He looks around and says, “This won’t be here for long. I will love it as long as I am able.”

The Hermit calls us to spend a lot of time alone. Many of us are already doing that through our social distancing and quarantining. But this card calls us to use this time to go deeper within ourselves, to be introspective and curious about who we are.

If you are a natural introvert this will be an easy ask of you. But if you are more comfortable being social with others, it might be more of a challenge to be alone.

But the Hermit tells us that we can feel invigorated by sending time alone. We can learn a lot about ourselves from going within.

We can observe ourselves and see both our strengths and our flaws. We can work on things we have wanted to address and build up our power for when we reconnect with the world.

This time will let us hear the wisdom inside ourselves. The Hermit card shows a figure turning their gaze inward as they shine a beautiful light on their path.

There are symbols of fertility throughout the card: a snake wrapped around an egg, tall wheat, and a sperm-like staff contrasting against a red cloak. These are all fertility symbols that allow us to know that our time alone will be ripe with creativity and fresh ideas.

Through quieting our minds we can let divine messages in. We will see new insights and get closer to our personal truths. If you have been struggling with what direction you should take or difficult decisions of any kind, The Hermit energy will be very supportive for finding clarity.

The Sun is about embracing our senses and immersing ourselves in the moment. It tells us to intentionally breathe and take in some natural beauty. It says to ground ourselves in the here and now.

This is a happy card that calls us to feel deep gratitude. The Sun card depicts rays of light flowing out into the Universe. Within these rays are the signs of the Zodiac. The figures on the card are literally frolicking on a hillside.

This level of joy might not feel natural. We might be caught up in heavier emotions. So if dancing in the sun does not feel like your thing right now, just take a moment to do something totally immersive instead.

Engage your five senses by taking a shower with some music on, eating a spicy meal, or taking a walk and listening to the wind. Focusing on your senses will take you out of your head for a moment and help you connect to this card.

The Sun card connects to the ideas of life, death and rebirth. It offers the gifts of presence, hope, and faith. This is a card of healing, especially when it comes to our emotions.

So when the Sun card pops up it signifies happiness, along with a new sense of safety, protection, and recovery. The Universe wants us to know it is holding us, even if we can’t feel it right now.

Mantra for the week: I am growing stronger and wiser through my time alone. The Universe is always holding me.

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Intuitive Astrology Forecast for April 2020

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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