Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading April 12-18, 2021

weekly tarot reading

The Tarot deck pictured is Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds

The Ace of Swords and Queen of Wands

We have two powerhouse cards to encourage and guide us this week. They remind us that if we want to accomplish anything new, we have to make ourselves a priority. We have to put the time into our needs and invest in our own success.

They also remind us that when we experience fears from stepping out of our comfort zone, the earth will always be here to help ground us. They tell us we have everything we need to live fully.

The Ace of Swords is a glorious card, it brings big energy and big gifts. We will experience both the clarity and the magic of this card. It will allow us to express ourselves with newfound ease.

The Ace of Swords wants us to remember a time when we set a new goal. It could have been just recently with the New Moon, or it could have been a while ago. But it wants us to recall the feeling of knowing what you desired and feeling motivated to take action.

We will feel that again this week. Our minds will be sharp and we will feel strong in our convictions because the Ace of Swords is all about mental clarity. This is a powerful card that signifies leadership and individuality. It is a card about taking action and feeling confident in our choices.

The Ace of Swords highlights the agency we have over our own lives. We are not at the mercy of our current conditions or the thoughts and needs of others. We feel unobstructed in our view of ourselves and our path. We know where to go next and we are full of purpose.

The Ace of Swords brings strong analytical abilities and deep wisdom, so do not sleep on this energy. Make sure you use this card to think about things that concern you. This will be your week to solve complex problems. You will see into the far horizon and know what needs to be done.

You will also be able to write and speak with greater clarity. So if you have been wanting to start a writing project or express a complex idea to someone, this will be your time.

Our next card this week is the Queen of Wands. She is determined and full of grit. She has reserves of inner strength and knows her own power.

The Queen’s body is adorned with the beauties of the earth. She lovingly gazes down at a black cat, her guardian that protects her from harm and connects her to the natural world.

In one arm she is holding a staff that grounds her. With the other, she is holding treasures of fresh greens and sunflowers from the forest. All these items share their good health and grace.

The Queen of Wands is our trusted guardian. She nurtures others and herself through her earthly wisdom and cunning use of resources. She is in our corner, helping us feel bold and courageous. Her generous spirit will fill us up and we will feel safe and inspired.

She is here to help us tap into our own wisdom, to help us replace fear with knowledge. Our fears usually live in our imagining of the unknown. But when we have awareness, we can be less afraid.

The Queen of Wands offers her aware and grounded energy to us. She says to fill your home with flowers and enjoy the magical pleasures of this planet. She calls us to connect to what is ancient and powerful in us. To nurture our bodies and provide our strength to others in need.

Both our cards this week share their support and encouragement as we go after what we want. They offer their gifts if we are willing to accept them.

Mantra for the week: I step out of my comfort zone with clarity and creativity. My fears are eased through the grounded energy of the earth.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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