Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: April 18-24, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ deck.

Wheel of Fortune and Knight of Swords

This week, we enter the astrological season of Taurus on April 19-20. Whenever we enter a new season it allows us an opportunity to step back, reflect, and reset.

With Taurus, we collect and ground ourselves after the fiery energy of Aries. The cards show us how to use this very moment for our greatest growth.

The first card is the Wheel of Fortune and it shares the message of open possibilities. It wants us to know that our lives are full of potential and we can go in any direction. If you have been feeling stuck or questioning a move forward, this card is for you.

We have the gifts, talents, and abilities to live the life we truly desire, we just have to say yes. Doubt and fear limit us and the Wheel wants to examine what role they play in our choices.

It calls us to align our being with our essential path and to open our hearts to this energy. Allow the Universe to guide us where we need to go.

When the Wheel of Fortune comes up, it’s a time of powerful vibrations and poignant signs. Look out for symbols and messages that are calling you to your truest self.

The Wheel of Fortune also points to the illusion of control. Humans want to be the sole creators of our destiny. We want power over the world around us and to make sense of it all through reason and rules.

But the Wheel calls us to connect to a deeper knowing. This is something that animals, like the lion, bear, and white elk on the card, do extremely well.

Animals show us that we cannot control the world but we can let the world guide us. With this faith, we walk a path that brings us a calm sense of certainty. We connect to our instinct and intuition and are in flow with creation.

Step out of your thinking and into your heart. Do this by connecting with an animal that feels like your kindred spirit. Close your eyes and visualize that animal coming forward to you. Take in its presence and listen to whatever message it sends you.

Spend time this week allowing messages and signs to come through by quieting your being and opening your heart.

Our next card is the Knight of Swords, it is all about feeling sharp and clear-headed. The bright energy it carries will help us make some much-needed moves. It also allows us to regain focus if we felt distracted and clouded lately.

This is the gift of a new astrological season as well. It lets us reflect on what we learned in the previous season, complete unfinished business, and gives us a moment to reset for the path ahead.

The Knight of Swords pushes us to accomplish tasks we have been putting off. These are errands that have been making us stressed or adding to our negative thoughts.

The elements of fire and air in this card give us a quick and powerful boost to get things done. It will even help us find solutions to problems that have felt too tricky or complicated.

Seeing clearly and accomplishing our to-do lists will aid in a more positive view of ourselves. When times are dark, a clean house or an organized inbox can really help lift our heavy spirits.

Taurus enjoys well-curated and comfortable surroundings. It will feel good to make things beautiful and decluttered this week. We feel called to make our spaces pleasing to the eye and relaxing to the mind.

Make use of this energy and get those tasks done. You can also use it to think through sticky problems, as some unexpected answers are sure to come through.

This week, we are setting ourselves up for success as we enter the sign of Taurus. The cards share their wisdom and we are ready to receive their gifts.

Mantra for the week: I trust in the Universe to lead me to my path. My mind is clear and my actions support my growth.

To book a personal reading with me, check out my website to sign up for a session!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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