Justice and The 10 of Wands
We have a Super Moon in the sign of Libra this week and our world is full of ever changing and intense energy. The scales of balance are the symbol for Libra and these scales showed up in our cards as well.
Justice is a card all about balance and awareness. It is about evaluating our actions to see how they impact ourselves and our community.
Many of us are highly aware of our actions during this pandemic. We know that what we do is not just about us but the larger world around us.
We are all wanting to make the ‘right’ decisions, which can feel challenging with so many gray areas. We have to weigh our own needs, our need to go to the store or have contact with our loved ones, versus the needs of the collective.
Never has there been a time in recent history that shows just how deeply connected we are. When we buy groceries we wear protective gear not just for ourselves but for our community. We have changed our behavior and routines not just for our own wellbeing but for the wellbeing of everyone.
This understanding of connection is deeply linked to Libra and the Justice card. We are in a moment of awareness of our interdependence. Our choices have consequences for all those around us.
Under the influence of this card, we reflect and adjust our personal behaviors. We evaluate how we feel and look at our current patterns and habits.
Are you doing things that are in line with your values? Are you doing things that support your mental, physical or emotional needs?
If your behavior feels off, you can make a change. You can create more harmony in your life through awareness and adjustment. You have control over your actions.
You will feel empowered this week to make changes to your behavior. You will create patterns that are supportive of your physical and mental health.
That could be meditating every morning, going on a walk at least once a day, cooking nourishing food or having social time with friends over video chat.
Justice calls for personal accountability and intentionality. If you work with this card you will feel balanced energy entering your world.
You will feel ownership over your actions instead of blaming things on circumstances or other people. You will see how your positive actions bring positive results.
The 10 of Wands is here as a reminder that we can’t do all of this alone and it is okay to ask for help.
Over time, we all have been collecting sticks one by one. They are our worries, responsibilities, projects, and thoughts. We built them up slowly but now we don’t know how to carry them.
If we try to take them on all at once, the load will be too heavy. We need to break them up and ask for help in order to manage the bundle. When we do this we will end up in a lighter place.
The 10 of Wands also points to a block in our communication. Perhaps there are things you are wanting to share that you can’t seem to get out.
How can we get clear with what we want to say this week? How can we push ourselves to connect to what we want to see happen? How can we ask for help when we need it?
I recommend writing what you need and what you want to see change. This will help get this energy out of your body and into the Universe where it can start to be processed and healed.
This week we are being called to work on our bundle of sticks and allow others to help us. We do not have to take on everything all at once. Maybe just sharing out loud what you are carrying to a loved one can be the first step.
I am thinking of you all so much during this stressful time. I hope these cards and the beautiful energy of the Libra Full Moon bring you some wisdom and peace.
Mantra for the week: I am part of all creation. I can lean on the love and support of others to help me through.
I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out nikkifo.online/book-online to sign up for a personal tarot reading.
Read More:
Intuitive Astrology: Libra Super Full Moon April 2020