Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 1-7, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.

Four of Cups and Queen of Disks

August 1 is the halfway point between the Solstice and the Equinox. In Pagan traditions, it is known as Lammas or Lughnasad. This is a great time to celebrate our accomplishments thus far and plan our goals for the rest of the year. We have the Four of Cups and Queen of Disks to support us in this work this week.

The Four of Cups represents affection, pleasure, and sensory experiences. We are craving physical touch, movement, and feeling good in our bodies.

On the card, water is following freely from opulent gold goblets. Each cup is full while also filling the other cups. There is a balance of giving and receiving that is in perfect harmony.

Under the influence of the card, we are drawn to the water. Whether it’s the ocean, a lake, or even a bath, we want to be submerged in water. We also feel the desire to make our homes beautiful, eat delicious food, and spend time with those we love.

So many of us are blessed to have amazing friends and family. The Four of Cups calls us to take stock of all the good we have at this moment. It wants us to let the love already present wash over us.

When we count our blessings, we allow more blessings to enter our lives. When we focus on all we have, instead of our deficits, we attract more goodness.

Use this energy this week to be grateful for each person and each earthly luxury in your life. Thank them for their wonderful support and tell them how much you care.

Our second card this week is the Queen of Disks. This card often comes up at just the right moment to remind me of how strong I really am. She models her strength in such a beautiful way.

I believe this Queen is speaking not only to us individually but to the world as a whole. She is here to remind us of all of our strengths collectively.

This fierce Queen, with her crown of twisted horns, sits on her throne and surveys her land. She has come far and is taking time to look back at all she has accomplished. She reminds us to do the same.

She is growing older, but instead of being bitter or jaded, she is becoming wiser and more confident. She knows what she is capable of and is proud of the person she has become.

Her journey has not been easy. She has gone through a lot of challenges and let go of people along the way that did not serve her highest good. She is no longer accepting toxic behavior from others.

This Queen is the Queen of boundaries. She says no to things that don’t bring goodness and light. She does not allow in people who are bad for her, she is too smart and experienced for that.

The passage of time has given her strength and intelligence. She is grateful for her past because it has made her who she. She is also excited about her future because she will use her wisdom to accomplish great things. This Queen is the perfect partner for the halfway point between the Solstice and the Equinox.

By making decisions that raise your vibration and propel you forward, you are walking the path of the Queen of Disks. She is a powerful and kind woman that will guide you to evolve in your life and learn to love yourself.

Let the Queen remind you of how strong and smart you are, help you set important boundaries, and encourage you to lean into your power. And let the Four of Cups remind you to take time for pleasure and count your blessings.

Mantra for the week: I am strong, grounded, and confident. I am grateful for this moment.

To book a personal reading with me, check out my website to sign up for a session!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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