Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: August 19-25, 2019

weekly tarot reading
Lust and The Sun

Take a moment and feel into your body. Close your eyes, let your shoulders rest and your feet touch the ground. You are here.

Embrace yourself and try not to think of changing anything. Drop into the feeling of acceptance. Know that you are perfect right now in this moment.

Acceptance is about trust. When we accept who we are and where we are in life, we can be grounded in truth.

When we don’t lie to ourselves with negative self-talk or wish we were different, we can see our real abilities. We see how strong, beautiful and miraculous we are and we start to trust our power.

We are made from stardust, our bodies are natural healers, and we are innately intelligent. These are just facts. Our cards and the fact that Virgo Season starts this week, are closely connected to these feelings.

The woman in the Lust card has a lust for life. She is confident because she knows she has always made it through her worst days. She takes her skills from all of her past experiences and uses them to propel herself forward.

Most anxieties and fears are rooted in untruth. Most of what we worry about will never happen. We ‘future-ize’ or make up imaginary situations that keep us from taking action.

The lady of Lust has stopped believing in anxious falsehoods about herself or the future. Instead, she believes in her own strength which makes her brave.

She is fully in the moment and has great excitement about the present. She engages her senses and revels in how amazing it is to be alive.

We can embrace the Lust card by connecting to our five senses. Find a time to sit still and connect to what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste. Marvel at how you can do all five at once. The warm sun on your face, the taste of bread, the sound of cars, the colors at sunset, the smell of the earth.

Your brain is always processing but are we present to it? Connecting to our senses is a fast way to be more in the moment.

Another way to connect to the Lust card is by doing something that fascinates or delights you. Eat something delicious, watch something inspiring or move your body in a way that feels good. These are all activities that that Lust card would definitely approve!

The partner of the Lust card is the Sun. And well dang, the cards really want us to embrace ourselves and the world this week. They want us to run up a hill while singing, ‘Sound of Music’ style.

This maybe does not feel natural to us or we may be caught up in a heavier emotion. But I promise you, if you take a moment to do something totally immersive and free, you will start to feel that way too.

On this card, the rays of light are flowing out into the Universe. Within these rays are the signs of the Zodiac. The two figures on the card are children bathed in the Sun’s warmth.

The Sun points to the ideas of fertility and bounty. It is connected to life, death and rebirth. This is a very comforting and joyful card. It shows the importance of presence, hope, and faith.

This is a card of healing, especially when it comes to our emotions. It signifies happiness, along with a new sense of safety, protection, and recovery. The Universe is holding us.

How can you use these beautiful cards this week? How can you connect to the Virgo energy of healing along with the acceptance, presence, and joy of the cards?

Allow the message of the cards to penetrate you. You are whole, loved, and perfect as you are.

Mantra for the week: I accept myself and the world. I am surrounded by love.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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