Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 14-20, 2022

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ Deck.

Ten of Wands and Eight of Swords

This week, there is a Full Moon in Leo on the 16th and we enter Pisces Season on the 18/19th, depending on your time zone. The energy in the cosmos will have us experiencing a lot of emotions and big releases. We are elevating our spirits and stepping into a lighter and more joyful space.

Both our cards this week speak to heaviness in our lives. We have felt overwhelmed and blocked by many things in our path. We are looking to open our minds in order to be free and we have everything we need to shift the vibrations. Through awareness and wisdom, we can unlock a new path.

Our first card is the Ten of Wands. It let us know it is okay to ask for help and to take things one step at a time. It reminds us to think outside of the box and use our creative minds to find solutions.

Over time, we all have been collecting sticks one by one. These sticks are our worries, responsibilities, projects, and thoughts. We built them up slowly but now we don’t know how to carry them.

If we try to take them on all at once, the load will be too heavy. We need to break them up, ask for help, and think creatively in order to manage the bundle. When we do this, we will end up in a lighter place.

The Ten of Wands also points to a block in our communication. Maybe there are things you are wanting to share that you can’t seem to get out. Maybe you have not known the right words to say how you feel.

How can we release what we have been holding inside? How can we ask for help when we need it? How do we widen our perspective and be more inventive?

I recommend writing down what you need and where you want to see a change in your life. Doing this will help the stuck energy get out of your body and into the Universe where it can start to be transformed.

This week, we are being called to work on our bundle of sticks and allow others to help us. Remember, we do not have to take on everything all at once. Sharing out loud can be the first step and your guides will then support you on how to move forward.

The Eight of Swords has joined the Ten of Wands to give us even more insight this week. This card is about perspective, boundaries, and awareness.

The Eight of Swords points to a feeling of being trapped. The swords on the cards are blocking us from entering the beautiful valley in front of us.

We might feel trapped by our own thought patterns and habits. We might be trapped by the negativity of the world around us.

But this card wants to remind us that no matter how trapped we may feel, we always have some control. We do not need to surrender to negativity or hopelessness.

The swords around us are not insurmountable, with a little effort we can loosen their grip and release ourselves. We can change our perspective, set up boundaries, or tap into the skills that make us strong.

If we surrender to the dark moments of life we are paralyzed by them. The Eight of Swords calls us to stand up against feelings of helplessness and remember our intelligence and strength. We are called to create moments of fun and joy as an act of resistance.

Though we are all facing a wide range of struggles, tapping into our optimism and our abundance of skills will help us through whatever we are facing. The Full Moon in Leo and the start of Pisces season will also support our work this week. We have the power to make the best for ourselves, we just need to remember that.

Mantra for the week: I can free myself from my burdens. I expand my mind through the power of intelligence, creativity, and hope.

I would love to pull cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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