Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: Febuary 10-16, 2025

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from Uusi’s ‘Pagan Otherworlds’ deck.

Ten of Pentacles and The World

This week, the energy of the Full Moon in Leo peaks on February 12th, and our cards help guide us. The first card we are working with is the Ten of Pentacles, and it’s a perfect card to support us as we embrace the full moon.

The number ten in the Tarot is about reflecting on the present before launching into the future. To move to a greater place financially, personally, or professionally, we must first hold gratitude for what we have now.

The Ten of Pentacles wants us to understand how strong we are and how many resources we already have. It is a card about connecting with the richness of our lives.

We are being called to take stock of our wealth. Whether materially, personally, or spiritually, the more we notice what we have, the more we amplify that energy. 

Ask yourself: What are the biggest assets in your life? What is going well? What brings you comfort? What are you most grateful for?

Carve out some time to think about your personal riches and write them down. Read them out loud and feel the powerful emotions that wash over you as you hear the words.

We are asked to look beyond our material goals and see how valuable a walk in nature can be if we let it. Our friends, families, animals, and planet give each of us so much, and under the Ten of Pentacles, we can feel it.

Let’s focus on all we have that makes us rich. Think of the things that truly matter and make us feel lucky. From this place, we can set our intentions and call in abundance and success. From this place, we can feel strong.

Our second card this week is The World. This card points to our achievements of higher consciousness or greater understanding after much hard work.

It calls us to feel proud of ourselves and honor our growth. This is not always easy for some of us, but it is so important to acknowledge our evolution.

The beautiful figure on The World card is naked, standing on top of the Earth. She is in a place of celebration and mastery. She has gone through all the obstacles of the Fool’s Journey and is in her power.

To invite The World card into your life, offer her the gift of dancing. Being in your body instead of your head is a great way to uplift this energy.

Even in dark times, turning on some music and allowing yourself to let go can be very healing. Close your eyes and don’t think about how you look. Let yourself feel present in the music.

Under the influence of The World, take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments instead of thinking about what’s up ahead. The work will always be there, but you deserve a moment of reflection and release.

Spend time this week honoring yourself. Do something just for you that makes you feel good. Indulge in an activity that makes your body feel alive. Bathe in the full moon’s light and recharge for what’s next on your path.

Mantra: I celebrate how far I have come. I am grateful for all I have in this moment.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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