Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: January 17-23, 2022

Weekly Tarot
The cards depicted are from the Visconti-Sforza tarot deck.

Page of Coins and Queen of Cups

We start this week with a Full Moon in Cancer. We feel called to connect to our emotions and release what we have been holding inside. The cards help us to navigate the moon’s energy and move forward with awareness and grace.

Our first card is the Page of Coins. This is a card all about shifting our perspective, especially when it comes to our negative experiences.

It’s easy to become heavy and resentful from the hardships and burdens we carry. However, we can also see the experiences we have gone through as invaluable in our path forward. They make us wiser, savvier, and more empathetic to others. 

This does not mean that we have to be grateful for the painful things we have gone through. Some things are just terrible and should have never happened. 

But how we choose to carry those things is what this card speaks to. We could allow our past to push us down with each step or we can love ourselves deeper because of all we have gone through.

The Page of Coins calls us to see how we understand our pain and how we view our story. It wants us to see if we can adjust the way we feel about our hardships.

It might be impossible to see any gifts from your trauma and that is okay. But if you are able to move forward with compassion for everything you have experienced, you will lighten your load.

Our next card is the Queen of Cups. She brings her watery and soothing energy to help us feel calm and restored. This can be especially helpful under the emotional energy of the Full Moon in Cancer.

She shows us how to use our strengths in order to heal and connect to our true selves. She is deeply aligned with the moon and her Goddess energy is present for us all.

This Queen speaks to the themes of boundaries and intelligence. She only lets the most trustworthy people enter her inner sanctuary. Her wisdom and experience have made her selective with who she shares her time and heart.

The Queen asks: What boundaries do you need for protection and self-care? How can you be more selective with whom you share your vulnerable side? What can you do to nurture your spirit under the power of the Full Moon?

This week is calling for us to challenge our perspectives and do something loving for ourselves. Practicing a Full Moon Ritual, nurturing our bodies, or setting up protective boundaries are all part of that work. Allow the power of the Full Moon to work through you and listen to the wisdom of the cards.

Mantra for the week: Through compassion, I shift my perspective on painful experiences. I prioritize caring for myself in all ways.

I would love to pull cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.


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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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