Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: January 3-9, 2022

Weekly Tarot

The Lovers & The Sun

This week, we step firmly into 2022 and have the power of our first New Moon in the air. The vibrations are ripe for intention setting and receiving cosmic guidance. We are ready to create space for growth and positivity.

Our first card for the week is The Lovers. This card speaks to self-love as well as romantic love. There is an innocence and trust that comes with this card. This is our heart before we were ever hurt and before we became overly cautious with our emotions.

Through the energy of this card, we give our love freely to others. We feel whole in ourselves and are not looking for another person to make us complete.

Under the influence of The Lovers, we have a deep respect for ourselves. We do things that make us feel beautiful, cared for, and healthy. We treat ourselves like the kings and queens we are.

Through loving ourselves, we begin to trust the Universe again and start to love others with less fear. We work on our blocks and let go of the past.

We are calling in love that is on a higher plane. This love is ruled by emotional honesty and genuine expression. All parties are balanced in their effort and vulnerability.

Depicted on The Lovers card are equal partners, entering into a spiritual marriage. Cupid and fate are blessing them with the might of Universal Love.

The Lovers is not about two halves becoming a whole, but two wholes coming together to make one joyful and healthy relationship. We are guided to make space for this type of love in our lives.

This card can point to romantic partnerships or business/creative partnerships as well. It indicates a high level of equality and respect by all parties involved.

We allow in our lives the relationships that we believe we deserve. When we raise our standards, better relationships naturally come towards us.

If you have lost optimism about this type of connection or don’t believe you deserve it, this is your sign to let go of that belief. It is time to have hope and know that you are worthy.

This belief, along with our inner-work, will allow love to enter our world. We are no longer blocking love through our self-limiting thoughts.

Our next card is the Sun. This card is about embracing our senses and immersing ourselves in the moment. It calls us to breathe deeply and spend time in nature. We ground ourselves in the here and now.

This is a happy card that depicts rays of light flowing into the Universe. Within these rays are all the signs of the Zodiac. The two figures at the center are frolicking on a hillside. Innocence, fun, and connecting to our inner child are all aspects of this card.

The Sun wants us to recall what brought us joy as young people and to embrace the youthful parts of ourselves. What did you do as a child that made you happy? What were your favorite activities? How can you bring some of those childhood aspects back into your life?

The Sun card also reflects on the ideas of life, death, and rebirth. The card gives us the gifts of presence, hope, and faith. We are offered healing through The Sun, especially when it comes to our emotions.

The Sun card is pointing us to a path of loving our inner child and entering a place of safety, protection, and recovery. The Universe wants us to know it is holding us, even in the moments when we feel far away.

We are called to open up and listen to our hearts. Let the vibration of these cards guide you as we make our way through the new year.

Mantra for the week:  I embrace my inner child and let go of limiting beliefs around love. I call in equal and loving partnerships.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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