Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: January 7-13, 2019

weekly tarot reading
The Knight of Cups and 4 of Swords, Truce

Under the energy of the New Moon, we are pausing to collect ourselves this week. We have been going and going since the holidays and now we are starting to get back into our routines. We are re-entering our grooves and taking time to reflect.

The 4 of Swords lets us know that we have made it through some turbulent times recently. Maybe it was stressful seeing family, we didn’t get enough sleep, got a bad cold, or were feeling depressed. Whatever we experienced that threw us off our balance will come back to equilibrium this week.

We will feel a truce in our lives and have the ability to slow down and be quiet. The Truce card is all about using this time to connect to our center and restore our strength. Really soak up this time this week as it will not last forever.

We need to use this quiet to plan how we want to move forward. How will we stay centered throughout this year? How will we take intentional steps towards more balance and health?

Can we make sure we see our doctors, therapists, and most treasured friends this year? Can we drink water, eat good foods, and stretch our bodies?

The 4 Swords will give us the ability to see what we want to adjust. We will think with a calm mind and choose to pursue things that build a strong foundation for us.

Where do you need to rebuild in your life? What areas could benefit from your extra attention and love?

While the 4 of Swords offers its serenity, the Knight of Cups offers its focus and passion. Under the direction of the Knight, we will be able to go after things that keep us centered and on the right path.

When the Knight shows up in reading I know we are ready to listen to our hearts. There is a goal in mind and we feel a strong urge to turn it into reality.

The Knight is reaching towards a heavenly chalice in the sky, a reference to the Holy Grail, and he is single-minded in his approach. His focus is strong and his energy is fierce. His wings raise him to his dreams and he reaches out to grab them.

But just like most stories of the Holy Grail, it is not a completely smooth journey. There will be ups and downs and some false roads. However, the Knight of Cups assures you that in the end, you will be successful.

So when it comes to our goal of staying centered and balanced the Knight will lead the way. The Knight will help you to answer what brings you peace and connection with yourself.

You will have the fire and focus to go after those things this week. Whether it is a yoga class, a therapy session,  a long call to a trusted friend, or some much need alone time, you will feel the drive to make it happen. There will not be any excuses this week.

Enjoy this more peaceful energy after the busyness of the holidays. I am excited to see how you use the power of the 4 of Swords and Knight of Cups to put your best foot forward.

Mantra for the week: With a calmness and clarity, I connect to my center. I know what I need to do to stay balanced and healthy. I am full of motivation. 

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology Forecast for January 2019

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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