Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: March 9-15, 2020

weekly tarot reading

Queen of Wands and 8 of Wands

The energy is potent this week. On Monday, the Moon is full and Mercury goes direct. We are still in the emotional sign of Pisces and many of us are feeling the anxieties of the world.

This intensity is embodied by the 8 of Wands. It points to the feeling of being sped up, where everything is evolving at a rapid pace.

Some of us may thrive in this space. We may love the swiftness of events and the need to make decisions quickly and clearly.

But some of us may feel overwhelmed by this period of rapid movement. We may need to ground ourselves to stay calm and connected during this time.

Deep breaths, drinking lots of water, and going on walks are all easy grounding activities. Being barefoot in nature or doing a long mediation is great if you have more time.

It’s helpful to know it’s not all intense with the 8 of Wands. This card also aids in moving blockages. Obstacles will be pushed along by this quick and light energy.

Make good use of this by working on personal or professional hurdles you have been facing. Mercury going direct and the Full Moon in Virgo will aid in that work even more.

You can start to tackle things you felt were too complicated in the weeks prior. You will encounter fresh insights and difficult projects will have a newfound ease.

So, even if we feel preoccupied with the anxieties of the world, we can still move forward with the support of the 8 of Wands and the swift clarity it brings.

Another card of support this week is the Queen of Wands. She is determined and full of grit. She has reserves of inner strength and knows her own power.

Her body is adorned with the beauties of the earth. She lovingly gazes down at a black cat, her guardian that protects her from harm and connects her to the natural world.

In one arm she holds a staff that grounds her and brings her assurance. With her other, she is holding treasures from the forest: greens and sunflowers. These bring her both health and grace.

She is our trusted guardian. She nurtures others and herself through her earthly wisdom and cunning use of resources.

The Queen of Wands is in our corner, helping us feel bold and courageous. Her generous spirit will fill us up and we will feel safe and inspired.

She is here to help us tap into our own wisdom. To help us replace fear with knowledge. Our fears usually live in our imagining of the unknown. But when we have awareness we can be less afraid.

The Queen of Wands offers her aware and grounded energy to us. She says to fill your home with flowers and soak in the power of the Full Moon.

She calls us to connect to what is ancient and powerful in us. To nurture our bodies and provide our strength to others in need.

The cards share what is available to us as we navigate the world. They offer their gifts if we are willing to accept them.

Mantra for the week: I welcome clear and fresh energy into my world. Fear is replaced by knowledge as wisdom and beauty guide me.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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