Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: May 28-June 3, 2018

free tarot reading

4 of Wands, Completion, and The Hierophant

If you are like me, then you are a procrastinator. You often know the way to be more balanced and productive but choose to ignore the steps needed.

You are intuitive about what is necessary to support a higher functioning life but sometimes you do what is easier or what keeps you on a lower frequency.

Why do we do this?

Well, we are just human after all. We often choose what might feel good in the moment but won’t take us to the finish line. For many of us it is hard to do what is better for us in the end.

But for the fellow procrastinator out there, you are in luck. The 4 of Wands is wonderfully supportive and positive card, and it is here to create a healthy balance internally. This balance will propel us to complete the projects we have been putting off.

When we come into equilibrium, our natural powers shine through and we can accomplish things with ease.

Where would you like to see more of a balance? What would you like to put in order? Where do you have internal conflicts that are causing inactivity?

The 4 of Wands will help us get the balance and clarity we seek. It will help us with whatever conflict we are facing that is stopping us from being focused on our desired tasks.

Let yourself breathe into this balance this week. Let go of the need to overindulge or over function. Let go of the urge to be hyper vigilant. Let go of sloth-like energy or overly selfish energy. Let go the cycle of negativity. Let go of the need to have all the answers.

Accept the duality of life. You are like the wheel on the card: balanced and strong. Both powerful and gentle at the same time. You are a warrior.

How will you use this clarity this week?

If you have outstanding projects, now would be the time to complete them. Your calm mind will allow you the focus and power to get things finished. You will be energized when you let go of your battling thoughts.

The 4 of Wands is much like the The Universe card, which is all about completing a cycle and celebrating your hard work. It also indicates a time when you are ready to move on to the next phase of life.

This is where the Hierophant comes in. We received this card last week from the Wild Unknown deck. When we receive a card twice in a row, we know the Universe really wants us to hear the message.

The Hierophant is a card that holds the keys to transformation. It represents a teacher, a mentor, or a spiritual leader that is here to guide us to the next phase of our lives. When we are ready for them, they will come into our lives and support our growth.

Be on the look out for this teacher to appear. Be cautious of a anyone who doesn’t feel right in your gut. Your guide will feel right to your body and your mind.

Their wisdom will help us unlock the doors that we have been struggling to open ourselves. They will share their knowledge and we will be able to see life through new eyes.

We can’t accomplish all things alone. We need the support of those who have gone before us. We can learn so much from the sages of the past and the mentors of our time if we are open.

Let yourself be open. Complete your current projects and when you feel ready to move to a higher plan, your teacher will appear to lead the way.

Mantra for the week: With a balanced mind, I tap into the powers available to me. I use this energy to complete any and all tasks. With a cycle completed, I move into the next phase of life. I do so with an open heart and the Universe sends me a guide. 

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology Forecast June 2018

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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