Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: November 22-28, 2021

Five of Wands and Justice

This week, we are called to create more peace in our inner and outer world. We bring our awareness to our emotions and our behavior. We see where we can make changes and where we can be more compassionate.

As we enter the holiday season and many of us are spending more time with loved ones, both the Five of Wands and Justice are excellent guides to help us through.

The Five of Wands asks us to listen to the messages inside, even the messages that harbor hard feelings or anger. We are investigating what makes us irritable, uncomfortable, or gives us a bad attitude. We question the things that rub us the wrong way, especially when it comes to our relationships.

This card wants us to be mindful of what we don’t like and what brings up negative feelings. It wants us to question these things and see if there is another way.

Do we have to be around that person? Do we have to do those tasks? Is this the right environment for us? Can we make positive changes?

We are called to slow down and investigate our world. Take note of how you feel and what you are doing. Step out of autopilot and explore your options.

You will see you have more agency to create a better atmosphere for yourself. You are not just stuck with the way things are.

Maybe you make changes by having more boundaries around what you share with others. Maybe you decide to listen more and not engage in conflict. Maybe you start to delegate and say no to things that you don’t what to do.

This week, you will have the opportunity to make changes (no matter how small) that will support your joy. You will feel a beautiful shift through your conscious choices.

The Justice card also shares the message of reflecting and adjusting our personal behaviors. Under the influence of this card, we evaluate how we feel and look at our current patterns and habits.

Are you doing things that are aligned with your values? Do your actions support your mental, physical or emotional health?

If don’t feel in alignment, this card reinforces that you CAN make a change. You have the power to create more harmony in your life through awareness and adjustment. You have control over your actions.

You will feel empowered this week to make shifts in your behavior. You will create patterns that are supportive of your holistic health.

That could be starting a meditation practice in the morning, going on a walk at least once a day, cooking nourishing food, or having social time with friends. The supportive behavior will be different for each of us, but our intuitions will help us know what is right for us.

The Justice card calls for personal accountability and intentionality. You see how your actions impact yourself and your community, for better or worse. If you work with this card, you will feel more balanced energy entering your world.

You will feel ownership over your actions instead of blaming things on your circumstances or other people. You will see how your positive actions bring positive results.

Sending positivity and light to each of you as you do this great work.

Mantra for the week: I am in control of my actions and my reactions. I bring more peace to my world through my choices.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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