Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Ritual June 2020

sagittarius lunar eclipse ritual 2020

The Sagittarius Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on June 5, opens the doorway to a portal of transformative energy. This transformative energy is marked by two more Eclipses that will unfold over June and July.

While this is only a Partial Lunar Eclipse, it is still potent and is setting the stage for a new dawning and a new journey. By the end of this Eclipse Season, we will feel changed, we will feel renewed, and this is what kickstarts it all.

Let’s use this energy to get ready for this journey. Let’s use this energy to prepare for the incredible clearings and openings that are in store for us.

Here is a ritual to guide you –

The Entrance to the Eclipse Gateway Ritual June 2020

This ritual is best done between June 4-17, 2020

You will need:


1.) Start by cleansing your aura and then your surroundings using the tool of your choice. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following-

“It’s time for me to go within, it’s time for me to shine. The Eclipse is here and I must walk, to a path that is more freely mine. I am coming in to my light, I am coming in to my power and now I must cleanse. I must release and let go of all that needs to come to an end. Join me spirit guides and angels of the highest light. And under the darkness of this Full Moon night, I invite healing and cleansing. I invite purpose and clarity. I invite peace and calm into my body, into my heart, and into my soul. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

Now cleanse your surroundings and your ritual ingredients too. As you do this, recite the following-

“I call upon the power of God/Universe to cleanse and release all energy from this space that is no longer needed here. I create a protective environment of love and light. I create a safe sanctuary for this ritual and for all who enter this space. This room is now filled with light and love and only light and love can enter. This room is protected. All is safe here. I am safe here. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Light your candle. Place your hand on your heart and just feel the rhythm of your heartbeat for 10 -20 breaths.

3.) Now, dab your thumb into the bowl of water and place it on the center of your forehead. Hold your thumb there for a moment and repeat- “I welcome clarity and peace of mind.”

Next, dab your thumb into the bowl of water and place it on your heart center. Hold your thumb there for a moment and repeat- “I welcome true love into my heart.”

Dab your thumb into the bowl again and place it against your belly button. Hold your thumb there for a moment and repeat- “I welcome good health and prosperity into my life.”

Finally, dab your thumb into the bowl one more time and place it on the very top or head. Try to touch your scalp rather than your hair. Hold your thumb there, and fill in the blanks with whatever you feel in the moment- “I welcome…”

4.) After this, do the June Angel Healing Guided Meditation which has been designed specifically for this Eclipse Season or you can also meditate on your own for 12 minutes.

5.) After your meditation, take your paper and rip it into three equal pieces.

On the first piece of paper, write down what you would like clarity on.

On the second piece of paper, write a miracle you would like to occur for yourself and for the world.

On the third piece of paper, write what you wish to achieve over the coming month.

6.) Burn the papers one by one, saying thank you as you do. Place your burnt papers into your bowl of water.

7.) Swirl your finger through the bowl and recite the following-

“As I stir this water, I stir the waters in me. I ask to be guided to the path that is best for me. I have asked for clarity. I have asked for miracles. I have even made a wish. But now it’s time for me to surrender and to open to whatever the Divine has in store for me. I walk through this gateway with strength and confidence in my heart. I am ready. I am strong. I know the way.”

8.) Now take your bowl of water and use it to wash your hands. Sealing in the magic into the skin of your hands. Take any remaining papers and discard them in the recycling or bury them in the soil if you have access to a garden.

9.) Follow up with your June 2020 Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Reading.

Your ritual is complete! Happy Eclipse!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.