Scorpio Super New Moon Ritual November 2020

scorpio new moon ritual 2020

The Scorpio Super New Moon on November 14-15, is the last New Moon before Eclipse Season begins.

It carries potent and deep energy that will guide us to peel back the layers and keep digging deeper into the shadows of our own soul.

What keeps us up at night? What shame do we still carry in our hearts? What longing do we yearn for in the pit of our soul?

Emotions will run deep on this Scorpio New Moon, but if we learn to sit in the uncomfortable, if we learn to lean in to our emotions and ask them “why?” instead of just tolerating them, there may be a chance for expanded growth.

Scorpio rules over the process of alchemy and transformation. It is through journeying in the shadows that we are able to rise into a new way of being and into a truer and more authentic self.

All of this is on offer to us under the dark November Super New Moon, and here is a ritual to guide you-

Scorpio Super New Moon Ritual

This ritual is best done between November 13-21, 2020. Always feel free to adapt these rituals to suit your needs.

You will need:

  • Cleansing tool of choice (eg. dried herb sticks, incense, etc.)
  • November Cosmic Meditation
  • Paper and Pen
  • Small rubber band/piece of string
  • Your favorite crystal


1.) Find a comfortable place where you can’t be disturbed. Start by cleansing your aura, followed by your surroundings. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following-

“The darkest shadows buried within me, may they now rise to the light for clearing. I feel shame, doubt, insecurity, and fear leaving my body, leaving this space, and being recycled back into the Earth where it can blossom into something new. I am a beautiful, incredible, wonderful, loving person. As I acknowledge this and my love for myself, I cleanse and charge my energy field from top to toe. It is my love that cleanses me. It is my strength that holds me. It is my willingness to forgive myself that allows me to grow. I am cleansed. I am recharged. Thank you.”

As you cleanse your surroundings, feel free to recite the following:

“This space radiates loving, positive energy. Only goodness resides here. Only love can enter. This space is a calm, pure, and peaceful place that allows me to practice this ritual safely and in my fullest power. Thank you.”

2.) Get nice and comfortable and do the Cosmic Guided Meditation for November. In this 13-minute, Starry Night meditation, you will be taken on a visual journey through the stars where you will be guided to release and welcome wisdom from deep inside you. As you meditate, feel free to hold your crystal or have it resting in your lap/ on your belly.

3.) After the meditation, take your pen and paper and begin writing “I draw in…” and then fill in the blank. Repeat this all the way down the page with a list of all the things you would like to draw in. For example:

  • I draw in healing to my right shoulder.
  • I draw in love for my pain.
  • I draw in understanding for my losses.
  • I draw in the perfect nutrition for my body.

You can be as specific as you like, just keep writing until the entire page (back and front) is filled in.

4.) After you have finished, reflect on what you have written and any emotions that may have come up. Do you recognize a theme in the things you wish to draw in? Did anything take you by surprise or stand out to you?

5.) Next, take your piece of paper and keep folding it into the tiniest square/rectangle you can make. Secure it with your rubber band.

6.) Take your crystal in both hands and whisper an intention into it. Say whatever you feel in the moment. Take your crystal and place it next to or on top of your little folded bundle of paper.

7.) Keep your bundle and crystal together by your bed while you sleep that night. After this, you can then move your crystal and bundle to your altar or another sacred space if you wish.

You can also choose to hold the crystal for your meditations or spiritual practice for 7 days following this ritual.

After 7 days, you can use the crystal for something else if you wish. Keep your bundle of paper wrapped up tightly until the Scorpio Full Moon on April 26, 2021. At any point after this date you can reopen the bundle or burn it if you wish.

Follow this ritual with a large glass of water.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.