The Astrological New Year March 2018

In astrology, the Sun represents the core of who we are and gives us energy, purpose and sustenance for our life here on Earth.

For the last 12 months the Sun has been moving through each of the 12 zodiac signs. In each of these signs, the Sun gains and imparts a special wisdom that we need to embrace and learn from.

Every year on the March Equinox, the Sun completes its journey through the 12 zodiac signs and prepares to start all over again with a new year cycle and a fresh set of energy.

In 2018, the astrological new year falls on March 20-21st, and is going to kick off a wave of new potential for all of us.

Starting in Aries, the Sun is going to be helping us to forge ahead and to think about which direction we want to travel in.

Aries energy rules over the head, brain, eyes, and also our core human instincts. While this is a time to ‘think’ it is also a time to do and to take action with where we want to be.

Under the energy of Aries, it is the perfect time to plant new seeds and to put your ideas out into the world. These ideas can then be built up and made tangible as you move through the rest of the new year cycle.

Aries energy is also very focused on the self, which means that it is also the perfect time to take inventory of your life, check in with yourself, and work out what your mind, body, and soul really need.

So many of us move through life without ever really stopping to tune in and listen to that inner wisdom we all have within.

Connecting with this inner wisdom allows us to really take charge of our lives as it helps us to understand what we need, and what is motivating and driving us forward.

If you are feeling stuck in regards to the direction of your life, or are unsure about how to make the changes you desire, this is the perfect time to sit down with yourself and really have a heart to heart.

Ask yourself what you need, ask yourself how you are really feeling, talk to yourself and address any nagging thoughts, feelings or fears.

Often when we bring awareness to our mind, body, and soul, we are able to receive guidance and feel naturally driven to the path that is for our highest good.

To help with this process, meditation and free flow journalling can be extremely beneficial. Make it a point to find even just 10 minutes of stillness each day where you can reflect, tune in, and just be.

When you connect with your inner self, it helps you to become aware of your deeper thoughts and feelings, and what is blocking you from getting where you want to be.

We all have fears, and we all have blocks and the only way to move through them is to become aware of them.

The astrological year ahead is one that is very much focused on building and creating stability in your life. There is going to be a strong emphasis on creating feelings of security and comfort in your life, and you may even be guided to do away with things that are no longer in line with this energy.

The year ahead is also guiding us to heal wounds relating to our ego and self-esteem. We are going to be encouraged to truly find ourselves and who we are beneath our egos.

The Sun is ready to take you on a new journey, so over the coming weeks do your best to clear the past, release the old and enter into the new with an open heart and open mind. The year ahead is always brighter and you are always all the more wiser.

Happy New Year!

Looking for ritual ideas? Check out these Equinox Rituals or use the Pisces New Moon Ritual.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.