The Energy of the August Super Moon in Pisces

September is set to be a big month energetically and the ball is officially going to get rolling with the Full Moon on August 29, 2015.

Mother Moon will rise in the sign of Pisces, giving birth to a new awareness, spiritual awakenings and shifts in consciousness.

Because she will be so close to Earth in August, she will rise as a Super Moon, meaning her effects will be felt stronger than usual and will carry over into September.

September marks the beginning of the last Eclipse season for 2015, and the Universe will definitely be taking this opportunity to ensure that we have received all of the necessary lessons and gifts for the year.

It is likely that within four days either side of this supercharged Full Moon, that we will start feeling some truths rising to the surface. Perhaps there may also be trends or issues that arise from earlier in the year, particularly from April.

Whatever comes up, awareness and sensitivities around them may feel heightened due to the fact that both the Moon and the sign of Pisces are ruled by the emotional element of Water.

Perhaps emotions or feelings that have been hiding in the bed of the ocean floor will rise up, ebbing and flowing like waves in order to be released and cleared. Perhaps we may also also feel an increased sensitivity to spirit energies, intuitions and dreams.

On the eve of the Full Moon we may also feel a calling to our purpose or a deeper understanding of our spiritual journey here on Earth, which may force us to change directions or put a new plan into action.

Things may not be clear straight away, but after the eclipses in September we should all have a much greater understanding of how to proceed ahead.

Jupiter and Neptune are also in aspect to this Super Moon helping to charge up energies of awareness, expansion, spirituality and creativity.

Neptune, the planet of creativity and awakening will also bring unexpected or deeply buried truths to the surface, which at first may create a cloud of fogginess. Doubts may rise and things may feel as if they are a mess, but all of this is just preparing us for the big turning point which will peak in the coming weeks.

The planet Neptune also rules the entertainment industry, public relations and media so work in these areas will be particularly favourable at this time.

Jupiter, the lucky planet will also be involved in this Super Moon and will bring expansion of awareness and the opportunity to view all things that arise in a positive and optimistic light.

Because Jupiter is currently sitting in the Earth sign of Virgo, he will also be helping us to stay grounded through the Watery energy and motivated to make any necessary changes.

Together, Jupiter and Neptune are going to make for one spiritually and emotionally charged Full Moon that is likely to stir up issues surrounding awakenings and our higher purpose.

Things will definitely start to be unravelled and uncovered by this Supermoon, but all of it is in order to bring more clarity and awareness into our lives.

This Pisces Full Moon is a perfect time to go within, clear out any stagnant emotional energy and prepare for the many changes that lay ahead. It is also the perfect time to delve deeper into spiritual work and into higher levels of consciousness.

August’s Full Moon seems to be saying- change is coming and I am going to help you get emotionally and spiritually prepared. Are you ready?

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.