Virgo Season Forecast 2020

virgo season 2020

On August 22-23, 2020 the Sun moves from the fiery zodiac of Leo into the earthy zodiac of Virgo.

Virgo is represented by the virgin goddess, here the word “virgin” indicates someone who is whole and complete within themselves.

The virgin is able to do as they please. They live by no one else’s rules and the only person they have to answer to is themselves.

The virgin does not need to look outside of themselves for guidance, instead, they source their wisdom and knowledge from their own inner resource and connection with the Divine.

Under the Virgo Sun, we can all tune into this energy by connecting and aligning with our inner compass and remembering that we are whole and complete within ourselves.

We are not missing anything, we are not a half, our wholeness is not conditional on what we have or have not achieved. Our wholeness is always there for us, we just have to connect with it.

Connecting with our wholeness is a journey that is very often triggered by the feeling of regret that comes when we act against our true selves or feel shame or guilt around our choices and actions.

Under the Virgo Sun, start peeling back the layers behind anything you feel ashamed or guilty about.

Ask yourself- Am I feeling ashamed because I acted against my highest calling or am I feeling ashamed because I finally stood up for my highest calling?

Sometimes shame and guilt arises as we move through the process of breaking free of old habits and cycles and finally start acting in our alignment.

When we are not used to standing up for ourselves or doing things from the truth of our alignment, we can start doubting ourselves, but as long as we keep trusting and working from our soul, we will find our way through.

As the Sun tours through Virgo, work on these questions. Dig deep to free yourself from anything that is making you feel shame, guilt, or regret. Sometimes just identifying these things is all it takes.

Your Virgo affirmation- “I am whole, I am complete. I have the power to source from self. Within me are the answers I seek. I connect with this knowing now and forever.”

Virgo Season 2020

As the Sun moves through the Virgo zodiac, we have some key planetary alignments that are going to shape the rest of the year. This includes the Mars Square Saturn and Mars Retrograde.

Here is a snapshot of the major alignments taking place in Virgo Season 2020:

August 24- Mars Square Saturn

Mars Square Saturn is one of the key alignments taking place in 2020 and will be active for the coming two months.

Mars is the planet of action and energy whereas, Saturn is about boundaries and restriction.

These two energies will push and pull each other, making us feel a little frustrated. We will want to move forward, but we may find that our actions are thwarted in some way.

On a global level, Mars Square Saturn can bring rising tensions when it comes to freedom and restrictions, especially restrictions laid down by the government or people in power.

It’s important to trust the Divine timing and to use this Virgo energy to be sure that all of our actions are in alignment with our inner compass.

More to come on this fated Mars Saturn Square soon.

September 1-2- Full Moon in Pisces

The Pisces Full Moon is going to be amplifying the energy of the Mars Saturn Square. We may feel that our energy levels are a little depleted, and that we are in need of some rest.

Full Moons are always drawing things out of us and are a time to release. Under the influence of the Pisces zodiac, we may find ourselves “releasing” psychic messages and intuitive downloads.

We may feel more connected to our higher selves and more tuned in to the higher dimensions around us.

The energy around this Full Moon also suggests that it may bring an exciting opportunity or gift, that may be connected to something we having been working towards since the start of the year.

September 9- Mars Retrograde

Mars enters retrograde every two years or so, but this is the first time since 1988 that Mars has been retrograde in the sign of Aries.

As Mars moves retrograde, we will be guided to reflect on the last 2 years in terms of our projects, motivation, and goals. We may find ourselves needing to revaluate some of our actions and to be sure they are in alignment with what we would like to achieve and create moving forward.

Mars retrograde prevents us from running on autopilot, and asks us to really look and see if we like how we are choosing to spend our time.

On a global level, this fiery Mars retrograde in Aries will be triggering a lot of the tension that is already present. We may see an increase in protests, riots, and continued dissatisfaction with the actions of those in positions of leadership.

September 13- Jupiter Direct

In May and even June, we had a slew of planets turning retrograde. Now, as we move through September and October, all of these planets are preparing to go direct.

With Jupiter direct, we will start feeling a little more optimistic and we may notice more doors of opportunity opening for us.

2020 has really required that we pivot and figure out new ways to approach our lives, so with Jupiter direct we may find embracing this approach easier and more fluid.

September 17- New Moon in Virgo

The Virgo New Moon has some tension building around it, but the message of the virgin will be our guide. It asks us to remember our inner strength and to connect with our inner compass.

The answers we seek are always inside of ourselves, it’s just sometimes we need to use the external world or those around us as a mirror.

Under this New Moon we may feel that life is reflecting back to us what it is that we need to look at, and reminding us of the power of sourcing from ourselves.

Virgo Season comes to an end on the Equinox, a time of equal night and day. The Equinox heralds the start of Libra Season, and is also our halfway marker through the astrological year.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.