Aquarius Full Moon Ritual July 2021

aquarius full moon ritual

The Aquarius Full Moon on July 23-24, 2021 carries a naturally healing energy, inspiring us to spend some time nourishing our spirit and paying attention to any wounds or heaviness we may be carrying.

You can get your full cosmic forecast for the Aquarius Full Moon here. I highly recommend reading it through before starting this ritual.

This ritual is designed to help you work in accordance with the July Full Moon energies. It activates the innate healing power of your body and allows you to work on the seven major energy centers to restore balance, harmony, and a sense of peace.

I hope by the end of this ritual you feel comforted and supported no matter what is transpiring for you at this time.

Aquarius Full Moon Chakra Clearing Ritual

This ritual can be done anytime between July 21-July 31, 2021

You will need:


1.) Start by cleansing your aura and then your surroundings using your cleansing tool of choice. 

2.) Get your glass of water. Take your crystal if using, and program it with an intention for this ritual, or for this Full Moon, or for where you are in your life in general. To program the crystal, simply hold it in both hands as you recite your intention out loud. Place your crystal next to or on top of your glass of water. Leave it to the side.

If you don’t have a crystal, just program the glass with the intention by holding it with both hands as you recite your intention. 

3.) Get nice and comfortable and begin with your Cosmic Healing Meditation. This soothing meditation will help you connect with the healing power of your hands and get you ready for the rest of the ritual.

4.) After your meditation, place your hands onto your lower belly, where your pelvic region is. Here we have an energy center known as the root chakra. With your hands over your root chakra, recite the following healing affirmation. Then for 3-4 breaths, imagine streams of healing white light pouring into this part of your body from your hands- 

“I feel grounded and secure in my body, I trust the universe and know that I am looked after. I am supported, safe, and loved by mother earth.”

5.) Now, move your hands up so they are resting on your belly. This is the home of your sacral chakra. Recite the healing affirmation below, then imagine streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths –

“I acknowledge and accept all of who I am. I give permission to feel all that I feel. I deserve pleasure in my life. I open to the creative energies that live within. I am comfortable with who I am.”

6.) Now place your hands so they are resting an inch or so above your belly button. This is the home of your solar plexus chakra. Once again, recite the healing affirmation below, and then imagine streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths –

“I honor the power within me and know I hold the answer to my own destiny. I release any built up emotions and claim my personal power. I am radiant and full of joy.”

7.) Now place your hands over your heart. This is the location of your heart chakra. Once again, recite the healing affirmation below, and then imagine streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths-

“I am love. I deserve love. Love flows freely in my direction. I forgive myself and others for any past mistakes. It is safe for me to love with the fullest expression of my heart.”

8.) Move your hands to your throat where we have our throat chakra. Once again, recite the healing affirmation below, and then imagine streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths-

“I accept myself, feelings, and emotions. I am worthy and deserve to express how I feel. I hear and speak the truth. I trust that I can express myself with clear intent.”

9.) Place your hands on your forehead over your third eye chakra. Once again, recite the healing affirmation below, and then imagine streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths –

“I trust my intuition and open my mind to the endless creativity of the universe. I am open to hearing and experiencing all that is aligned with light and love. I have the power to manifest my desires.”

10.) Place your hands on the very top of your head on the crown chakra. Repeat this process one final time, reciting the following affirmation below, and then imagining streams of white light moving from your hands into this part of your body for 3-4 breaths –

“I am a divine spiritual being. I am guided by a higher power and my inner wisdom. I am always connected. I am always one with the light.”

11.) Shake out your hands. Rest them comfortably and then close your eyes, visualizing your entire body surrounded in a healing white light for a few minutes. Open your eyes and allow your intuition to guide you to select a card using your Aquarius Full Moon Reading. Reflect on the message that has come up for you.

12.) Shake your body out and follow with drinking your glass of water which has been programmed with your intention.

Your ritual is now complete.

Happy Full Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.