Aquarius Super Full Moon Ritual August 2022

aquarius full moon ritual 2022

If you look up to the night sky on August 11, you should see the Super Full Moon shining big and bright in the sky.

Located in the zodiac of the water bearer, this Aquarius Full Moon reminds us that we each hold the key to shifting and changing our own emotional state. You see, the water bearer is a metaphor for emotional clearing and transmutation. It is the water bearer’s duty to collect the psychic debris and stagnating emotions from the world around us to clear and clean them before returning them back. We each hold this gift and potential inside of us, and that is exactly what this ritual hopes to awaken.

If you would like more insights into the cosmic and astrological energies of this August 2022 Full Moon, you can find the forecast here.

Aquarius Super Full Moon Water Bearer Ritual 2022

This ritual is best done on the evening of August 10, 11, or 12, however, you can still work with the full moon energies anytime between August 9-20, 2022.

You will need:


1.) Start by cleansing your aura using your tool of choice. As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following –

“I open to the loving energies that flow within me and around me. I ask these energies to join me as I cleanse and remove all that is heavy, stuck, stagnant, and no longer needed. As I work around my aura, my energy is lifted, vibrant, and heightened. I am cleansed, energy moves freely through my body, my heart openly and willingly gives and receives love. I am now standing in my purest light. Thank you.”

Once your aura is cleansed, get to work on clearing your ritual space and all of your ritual ingredients. Use your Aura cleansing tool to move through the space and as you do, recite the following if you wish –

“I cast a golden ray of protective, healing light around this space and these ingredients. This space and these ingredients are now cleansed. This space is recharged, this space is filled with the purest, most loving energy. It is a place of peace, of hope, and of positivity. My space is cleansed, my space is protected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Take your bowl of water in both hands, and state, out loud to your bowl of water, three things that you would like to release, clear, or receive clarity on in your life.

3.)Now, sit in front of your bowl of water, or lay down with the bowl of water at the base of your feet and begin your I am Aligned Guided Meditation. This meditation will help center your energy, working on both grounding and connecting to your Higher Self.

3.) After your meditation is complete, take your bowl of water and put it outside or by the window to charge under the light of the Moon. It’s ok if the Moon is not visible- the water will still soak up the lunar energies.

4.) While you are waiting for your water to soak up the vibrations of the Moon, do your Aquarius Full Moon Reading. Pay attention to any insights or messages that you receive.

5.) Once you are done with your reading, get your bowl of water, and holding it in both hands, recite the following or feel free to say what you feel in the moment-

“This water soaked up my intentions of things I wish to release, things I wish to clear, and things I wish to receive clarity on. These intentions are already manifesting into the fabric of my life. They are already weaving their magic in a peaceful, calm, and loving way. My intentions are now released from this water. This water has now been cleared. It has returned to a zero state. This water is pure. Exactly as nature intended. And with this purity, may it bring purity to my soul, to the Earth and to all those that walk upon it. I thank this water, and I now return it to where it came from.”

Pour the water outside or down the drain- either way, you are returning it to the Earth.

6.) Now, take a small dab of coconut oil or body butter, and rub it into your heart center using circular motions. Imagining the cream soothing, recharging, and restoring your heart energy. As you do this, repeat the mantra ten times- “I am love. I am loved. I radiate love.”

Your ritual is now complete. Full Moon blessings to you!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.