May is set to be a steady month which may come as a relief for those who are still feeling the effects of the April 4th Eclipse.
Sometimes the effects of an Eclipse can still be felt until the next Full Moon, which fell on May 3rd in Scorpio.
Around this time, you may have felt a closing, or the residual energy from last month slip away and as the days go on, you may start to feel like a new road is gradually opening for you to walk down.
Eclipses always bring about new energy and abrupt changes, and now in May it will be time for you to start navigating these changes and how you want them to manifest.
The Universe will really be guiding you to shift and transform your way of being, so stay open to any new ideas or possibilities that will be presented to you, especially in the first half of the month.
Mars and Venus will also continue to do their dance across the sky as Mars shifts into Gemini and Venus into Cancer. These are great placements for these planets and you should notice plenty of opportunities brewing from both of these energies.
Mars will create the perfect energy to network, socialize, and present ideas, whereas Venus will work on helping you express your emotional and creative sides.
May 18th will also bring a New Moon in the earthy sign of Taurus. While gentle, this New Moon will really be guiding you to connect with the true essence of who you are and what your higher purpose is. It will also stir up your relationships to your work, family and partners and force a deeper commitment from within.
This feeling of deeper commitment will really make you question certain aspects of your life and will challenge you to put your day to day and self-worth into perspective.
Following this energy, Mercury will shift gears and start retrograding in the sign of Gemini on May 19th. This means that by the 15th you are going to start noticing things slowing down so you can begin to focus and realign.
This retrograde cycle will be about re-visiting the past and sifting through the present to determine- Am I happy with how I live my day to day? Does what I spend my time on really matter to me?
As the planet of communication, when Mercury moves into the shadows (retrogrades), he really forces you to stop looking externally and start looking internally.
This month, he will be guiding you to go within and to dig through all that is holding you back from expressing who you really are.
Many people fear Mercury Retrograde, but there is really nothing to worry about. This is the Universe’s way of saying- take a break, do not plan anything new and really take time to ponder and reflect about your life and how you want to move forward.
Mercury will go direct on June 11th and around this time you should be able to start putting your internal findings out into the external world. Give him some breathing space (June 15th) to get into gear again and then Mercury will be ready to launch you in whichever direction you choose.
May is a month of closure, rest and rewards. Take it easy this month and allow the Universe to take the lead. June will be an action packed month, so take this opportunity now to go within, rest up and rejuvenate.