Gemini New Moon Ritual June 2024

gemini new moon ritual

The Gemini New Moon on June 6, 2024, calls for us to balance heart and mind. Where do we need to move into our hearts more and work from a place of feeling? Where do we need to move into our minds more and work from a place of rational logic?

The energies of the New Moon will be guiding our way, particularly when it comes to matters of the heart.

This ritual is designed to work in harmony with the New Moon energies. It invites compassion, allowing you to remain open, curious, and in a place of deeper knowing.

If you want to learn more about the astrology of the Gemini New Moon, you can find your forecast here.

I hope you enjoy the ritual!

Gemini New Moon Ritual 2024

You will need:


1.) Have all your ritual ingredients in front of you.

2.) Using your aura cleansing tool, cleanse your aura and then all of your ritual ingredients. As you cleanse your aura, recite the following-

“All that no longer serves my highest good now melts way. I feel cleansed and renewed. My heart fills with ease, my mind feels with ease, my soul fills with ease. I feel my mind, body, and soul working together as one. I am at ease. I am restored. I am aligned.”

Using your same cleansing tool, now work to cleanse your ritual ingredients and space. Feel free to recite the following as you do –

I give thanks to these ritual ingredients and thanks to this space. May these ingredients vibrate with the purest harmony. May this space be cleansed and open to receiving only love, peace, and joy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Take your crystals or flowers, and rest them in your hands or over your heart center (or both!). Get comfortable and begin your Lotus Compassion Guided Meditation.

3.) Once your meditation is complete, take a piece of paper and write the word “LOVE” on it. Using the tape, stick the paper on the jar of water. Repeat the word “Love” 10 times as you hold the jar of water, infusing the vibration of the word into the water.

4.) Now, take your flowers or crystals one at a time and program each of them with an intention. To do this, hold one of your flowers or crystals in your hands and state your intention out loud into the crystal or flower. Imagine the energy behind your intention infusing into the crystal/flower. You can even do a brief visualization for each intention if you wish. The stronger your intention, the better.

5.) Place your flowers/crystals next to, on top of, or around your jar of water. Leave your flowers/crystals around your jar overnight.

6.) The next day, take your water and sip on it, allowing yourself to digest, integrate, and embody your intentions.

7.) Keep your flowers/crystals somewhere you can admire them. Once the flowers are ready, you can return them to the earth.

Happy New Moon!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.