How to Heal Your Throat Chakra

heal throat chakra

When the throat chakra is strong and powerful, it supports self-expression, speaking your truth, writing/singing, and the health of your upper respiratory system, jaw, thyroid, throat glands, ears, and voice.

When out of balance, the throat chakra can lead to difficulties speaking your truth, a lack of self-confidence, miscommunications, a need to gossip, a desire to complain about things, lying, a hoarse voice, and poor listening skills.

For most people, strengthening the throat chakra is about becoming a mindful communicator.

Very often we only listen to respond or we find ourselves over-communicating or keeping things to ourselves that we need to share. It is these practices over time that create imbalances in this sacred energy center of the body.

Strengthening the throat chakra is about becoming a better listener, and learning when to share information and when to hold back. It is also about knowing how to present information to others in a way that is truthful, but also kind.

Spiritual author Wayne Dyer once said that when communicating with others- “it is better to be kind than to be right.” For a while, I wasn’t sure I agreed with this statement.

While being kind is important, I felt that perhaps it was more important to speak up and share something that you strongly believe to be right, even though it may be offensive to others. But on my journey, I have discovered that there are definitely more times than not that it is better to be kind than to prove you are right about something.

Trying to prove you are right about something nearly always leads you down a path of ego. Whereas coming from a place of kindness always leads to a more open and heartfelt discussion.

Even though you may feel you are right about something and have all the proof to back you up, sometimes it is better to let all of that go and instead, come from a place of kindness.

Learning how to communicate in this style is not always easy, but often it’s not because we don’t know what to say, but rather we don’t know how to listen.

When we really listen, when we really put aside our own judgments and our own feelings of what is right and wrong, it allows us to listen in a new way. It allows us to really understand where the other person is coming from.

When you start listening in this way, it also changes the entire nature of the conversation and allows both parties to speak less defensively and with more truth and kindness.

Being kind is not about hiding your true feelings, it is about connecting to the other person in a deeper way, in a more compassionate way, in a way that sees them as a soul, as a person who is just doing the best they can with what they know.

By making these adjustments in all of your conversations, especially with those that you love, it will help you to strengthen the energy of your throat chakra and have more meaningful and mindful conversations.

Other throat chakra strengthening practices include:

  • Wearing the color blue especially around the neck area
  • Using blue crystals: place the crystal on the neck area and visualize it healing and opening your throat chakra
  • Journaling to express your true thoughts and feelings
  • Having a conversation with yourself out loud about how you are really feeling, or what you wish you could say to someone else
  • Reciting an affirmation or mantra like: “I open myself to really listen and hear what other people share with me. As I listen, I know the right words to share and I express myself perfectly”
  • Meditation practice: visualize a beautiful blue light healing and opening your throat chakra area
  • Gently rub your throat chakra area in an anti-clockwise direction, as you rub imagine that you are clearing away any blockages, then after 1-3 minutes switch your direction to a clockwise movement and visualize that you are now protecting and sealing your throat chakra so it remains healthy and strong

The throat chakra is one of the most powerful energy centers of the body and it deserves our love and attention.

If you have a hard time expressing yourself or voicing your opinion, or if you find yourself complaining or oversharing information, it may be time to take a look at energizing and healing your throat chakra.

Read More:

Quiz: Are your Chakras Out of Balance?

5 Tips for Becoming a Mindful Communicator 

How to Be More Mindful When Using Social Media

Understanding Your Chakras

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.