Intuitive Astrology: Eclipse Retrograde Season of 2018

eclipse retrograde

It has been an interesting time in the cosmos over the last few months with many planets in retrograde and a string of three potent Eclipses. In fact, the Blood Moon Eclipse we had at the end of July was one of the longest and most potent eclipses we will ever experience.

With all of this cosmic energy now slowly wrapping up and coming to an end, the lessons and gifts of the season may be becoming clearer. After all, the Universe wouldn’t put on a show like this if it didn’t want us to take away something.

If we imagine this journey as a cycle, we are now entering towards the completion phase and we can look back and begin to make sense of what has been created.

Even though all of this energy extends back further in time to 2008, for simplicity, think back to what was happening for you around the months of January-February of this year.

Where were you emotionally? What was stirring for you? What were some major concerns you were having?

Around this time, the Universe would have begun highlighting things for you. In fact, the major themes and lessons that you have needed to work on during this season from June to August, would have arisen during this time.

Often we like to pinpoint our issues or concerns to be something outside of ourselves, like our career or our relationships, but there is a benefit in digging a little bit deeper and uncovering why these areas may be causing an issue.

When you dig a little deeper, you often find that it’s not about your relationships or your career at all, it is about something more personal.

We are all here on a journey, we are all here to learn and grow, and even though we may not always have control over what comes our way, we do have to learn to take responsibility for what comes our way. And this is exactly what the Universe has been beckoning us to do under this energy.

Retrograde energy is about going back and looking to the past. It is about reconsidering things or reflecting on things so you can learn from them and create a better future.

Under the heavy retrograde energy we have been having, we have had to pause, stop, and reflect rather than be in a hurry to move forward.

In fact, we may have even felt held back, sluggish, or that our lives have come to a bit of a standstill. We may have felt that change was needed, but perhaps we were unsure of what changes actually needed to happen.

All of this is very common during an intense period of cosmic retrograde activity. It is easy to feel frustrated under this energy, but we have to take this as a time to slow down and catch our breath.

Along with all of this retrograde activity, we have had a string of three Eclipses. Eclipses usually come in pairs, so to have three is definitely a special gift from the cosmos.

Eclipses always signify huge turning points of change and evolution, however under all of this retrograde energy, these Eclipses would have manifested in a slightly different way.

While they were still encouraging us to change and evolve, this was all on a much more internal level. A lot of the changes we were being asked to make were on the deepest level of our psyche so we could change and evolve who we have thought ourselves to be.

Under these Eclipses we have been guided to peel back the layers and look into the depths of our soul. We may have been confronted with our fears or with emotions and feelings that stem deep from childhood. We may have also been confronted with what is no longer working in our lives, and where we have been sacrificing too much.

Under the retrograde energy, we have not been able to escape these realisations or brush them off. Instead, we have really been encouraged by the Universe to sit and get cosy with them, for it is only when we do this that we can truly understand and clear them in order to make way for a brighter future.

Now as we are at the tail end of all of this, a new and fresh energy is going to emerge, one that feels more energizing and uplifting.

After months of digging deep and sitting with some painful realisations, we are now going to be given the momentum to push forward and make the changes we have been wanting to.

Through the end of August into September, we are going to be guided to make positive changes, and to start a new chapter in our lives. This new chapter is also about coming into a newfound source of inner strength and power.

We have all been through a rapid period of growth, and now as this cycle comes to an end, we are going to get to see just how much we have grown and what we have bloomed into.

The time to bloom is now, and we are going to be given a huge boost of energy to show the world and ourselves who we have now become.

With layers peeled back we are ready to take on a beautiful new chapter, and we are ready to welcome in a new energy into our lives.

The remainder of 2018 still has a slow and methodical energy to it, but as we emerge from this recent cycle of retrogrades and eclipses, we are going to feel energized and confident about the journey ahead.

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology Forecast for August 2018

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.