Intuitive Astrology Forecast September 2020

september astrology 2020

September 2020 is a big, bold month with some strong cosmic energy on offer. The main feature of the month is Mars Retrograde, which begins on the 9th and lasts up until November.

Along with Mars Retrograde, we have two major planets- Jupiter and Saturn, ending their retrograde cycles and moving forward into a new chapter.

Both Jupiter and Saturn have been major cosmic players in the events that 2020 has brought our way, so to have them moving forward again is likely to reveal more of the story to us.

2020 was always destined to be a highly transformative year, and as the year comes to a close, things are amping up.

It seems we are walking deeper into the changes and revolutions that are required, to shift and elevate this planet to higher levels of consciousness.

Transformation is difficult but it’s always worth it in the end. It requires some destruction, some chaos, and some endings in order for the rebirth to occur, but from these ashes, we rise.

Even though September offers strong transformative energy, it also offers cosmic protection too.

No matter what transpires in the months to come, the Universe is shining down a protective light. We see this in the astrological alignments that take place. While we have some heavy alignments, they always seem to be met with some protection, some silver lining, and some- “I got your back”- from the Universe.

To support you through the energies of September, try my Soul Soothing Cosmic Guided Meditation.

Let’s take a deeper look into the astrology of September 2020:

September 1-2: Pisces Full Moon

The month begins with the Pisces Full Moon. This Full Moon carries awakening energy, and opens us up to new realizations and information. This Full Moon may heighten our emotions and sensitivities, especially in our relationships. If irritability or anger comes up, be sure to sit with it and find healthy ways to express and work through it.

Your September Full Moon Forecast is here.

September 2: Sun Trine Uranus

This alignment will be activated by the Full Moon and brings soothing, harmonious energy. A trine occurs when two planets are within 120 degrees of each other. The Sun Trine Uranus indicates whatever comes our way under the Full Moon, can offer unexpected opportunities. Here is a good example of where we are being protected. Lean into this energy by focusing on the bigger picture, especially if hardships or challenges come your way.

September 2: Venus Opposite Saturn

This alignment will also be triggered by the Full Moon and will be shining a spotlight on where we feel held back, limited, or controlled by another person or event in our lives. We may feel like something is bearing down on us, or that we are being restricted. This energy asks us to take responsibility and ownership of our actions and to put solutions into place. We are being called to step up and create long term solutions rather than just short term fixes.

September 9: Mars Retrograde

Mars enters retrograde in the sign of Aries. Mars moves retrograde every 2 years, however this is the first time in Aries in over 30 years. As Mars moves retrograde, we are going to feel things slowing down. We may feel our energy levels are a little muted or we may start questioning whether our actions are aligned with what we truly desire for ourselves moving forward. We may also find ourselves challenging some of the goals and dreams we have held or been working towards.

Your Full Mars Retrograde Forecast is here.

To support you through the energies of September, try my Soul Soothing Cosmic Guided Meditation.

September 9: Sun Trine Jupiter

Again, the Universe comes to support and protect us with this harmonious alignment that falls on the same day as Mars stations Retrograde. Sun Trine Jupiter is a peaceful energy, that reminds us that we are powerful. We have within us, the courage, strength, and determination we need to create and live a beautiful life. This energy reminds us that we are abundant and abundance is always on offer to us, as long as we attune our mindset towards it. Use this energy to focus on the abundant blessings of your life and the world around you. It will help ease any tensions or sluggishness that Mars Retrograde may bring.

September 11: Sun Opposite Neptune

Neptune is sometimes associated with viruses and “unseen” things. At this time, we may receive some news or updates about the pandemic. Alternatively, we may feel confused and receive conflicting information. While this could be about the pandemic, it may also manifest in our personal lives too. We may feel a sense of conflict about whether to do something or not, or what the best course of action is. When we feel uncertain, it is always better to wait until clarity arises. This energy is very good for intuitive work, so pay attention to that small, still voice within.

September 13: Jupiter Direct

The largest planet in our solar system is turning direct in the sign of Capricorn. This is great energy, however we may have to wait a few weeks before we can really harness it. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so we may find that an area of our life that we have been working on suddenly expands in some way. Maybe we are able to reach for more opportunities, or maybe we find that our hard work starts to be rewarded. Think back to what you were working on or focused on around May, as this may receive a beautiful boost in the weeks to come.

Jupiter 2020 Retrograde Forecast here

September 17: New Moon in Virgo

The Virgo New Moon sends powerful waves, reminding us to connect with the wisdom and power of our body. It guides us to not live in fear, and to remember the innate strength and wisdom we all have within. This New Moon brings waves of healing energy and the promise of a fresh new start.

More to come on this soon.

September 22: Equinox and Libra Season

The Equinox brings the start of Libra Season and equal hours of night and day. We are moving out of earthy Virgo into an air sign that is all about balance. There will be a focus on others and how our actions and even thoughts are impacting the world around us. The Equinox is also a power day where the veil between dimensions is thin. We can use the Equinox energies for intuitive work and connecting with our loved ones on the other side.

September 28: Saturn Direct

Saturn turns direct after being retrograde since May. As Saturn begins moving forward again, it will be covering the last few degrees of Capricorn, and preparing to make its way into Aquarius come December, where it will remain for the next 2.5 years. This is a huge energy shift and definitely one to watch as it gets closer. With Saturn moving direct, we may notice information around governments, authority figures, or those in positions of power coming to the surface. We may also experience a revisit of events that were taking place around February 2020.

Saturn entering Aquarius 2020

Saturn Retrograde 2020

29: Mars Square Saturn

This is the second Mars Square Saturn alignment this year and it indicates growing tension and unrest. With Saturn just moving direct yesterday, its energy will be strong and we may see a push-pull with those in power positions. We may also feel a growing sense of irritability on unrest in our own lives. This alignment challenges us to go within and clear all that is making us feel insecure, fearful, or unloved. It wants us to sit with our angst so we can understand what it’s trying to show us.

More on Mars Square Saturn here.

September is a big month that kickstarts a journey into wrapping up the transformative energies of 2020.

Even though we may feel the shifting energy strongly, we can also tune into the energy of protection that is on offer too.

To support you through the energies of September, try my Soul Soothing Cosmic Guided Meditation.

Read More:

Numerology: September is a Power Month

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.