Intuitive Astrology: Jupiter in Aries Horoscope 2022-2023

jupiter aries 2022 2023 astrology horoscope

On May 10, 2022, Jupiter, the planet of abundance and expansion, enters the cardinal fire sign of Aries for the first time in 12 years. It will remain here until October 28, 2022, when it will backtrack into Pisces. It will later return to Aries for its final stay from December 20, 2022, to May 16, 2023.

Jupiter entering into fiery Aries is a bold, fresh energy that will inspire new beginnings, a strong independent spirit, and a boost of fearlessness.

Aries is known as the warrior, and as the planet of expansion moves into this sign, we are going to feel our own inner warrior expand too, helping us to find our confidence, boost our motivation, and voice our opinions.

The last time Jupiter entered Aries was back in June-September 2010 and then again from January to June 2011.

Do you recall stepping into your independence more at this time or perhaps making a bold move that required a lot of confidence?

We may be able to look back at this time and see how some of the risks we took paid off or perhaps taught us a valuable lesson – or both!

Jupiter in Aries can help give us the momentum and motivation to go for our dreams, to take a leap of faith, and to face up to difficult decisions with bravery.

As Aries is a fiery sign that rules over our head, we do have to be mindful with Jupiter here that we don’t get in over our heads, or allow our ego to rise up and lead the way. The combination of Jupiter in Aries is a very opinionated, strong-willed energy, which is great, as long as we are using it consciously.

On a collective level, Jupiter moving into Aries can inspire an entrepreneurial movement, where people are more independent and want to do things their own way. As Aries is all about new beginnings, this move of Jupiter may also help inspire a fresh new start or a new mindset, especially since the pandemic has changed so much for so many.

Jupiter in Aries can add fuel to the fire, especially when it comes to sharing opinions or standing up for beliefs.

Aries wants to lead the way, it wants to be first, and it won’t have anyone stand in its way. On a global level, this could result in leaders butting heads, or perhaps leaders butting heads with their people.

As Aries energy is fiery and always on the move, we may find ourselves needing to move our body and exercise in order to shake off any strong or heated energies.

If you are turning a multiple of twelve between May 2022-May 2023 it is very likely that you are experiencing your Jupiter Return. You can read more on this here.

Here is what Jupiter in Aries means for your Sun and Rising Sign-

Jupiter in Aries Horoscope 2022-2023


Having Jupiter in your sign is considered very lucky! Jupiter is the planet of expansion, so if there is something in your life that you wish to expand, this is your chance! Ideas, goals, and dreams may all come to fruition a little easier with Jupiter in your corner. This is also a fantastic time to focus on drawing in more abundance. Just be mindful of not overdoing it, over-indulging, or making risky financial decisions. Jupiter can expand our wealth but can expand debt too! In fact, it is good to remember while Jupiter is in your zodiac to focus your attention only on what you wish to expand, not that which you don’t, as Jupiter will fatten up whatever hand you are feeding!


Jupiter in this placement is like having a guardian angel in the wings. You may not be able to see that someone is looking out for you and setting things up for you backstage, but you can trust that they are! If you would like to develop a stronger connection with your angels or spirit guides, Jupiter in Aries will definitely be supporting you with this. Know you have someone watching out for you. Know that the Universe has your back! Watch for signs and use this energy to strengthen your spiritual connection and your innate healing ability. As you are naturally very in tune with the earth, you may also find this placement strengthens your ability to feel the healing qualities of nature.


Jupiter will be shining a spotlight on your social life. You may find that you are quite popular! Networking may also prove to be extra beneficial for you during this time. It is amazing what can happen when we put ourselves out there and meet the right people. People are always willing to help, much more than you think! So don’t be afraid to spread your wings, as you never know who you may meet. If you are feeling a bit lonely or isolated, this energy will help to break you out of your shell a little more so you can meet new people and form new friendships. Feeling connected to community is so important for our soul, and Jupiter in Aries will be supporting you with this.


This is one of the luckiest placements for Jupiter to be! Jupiter will be like a spotlight, shining down rays of abundance and light on your entire life. You are likely to feel more with purpose during this time, and it will be easier for you to draw in opportunities that are more aligned with how you wish to be spending your time. This placement is also wonderful for career advancement and for finding a job that is more aligned with your purpose and passions. If you have a project you are working on, or an idea you would like to turn into a reality, Jupiter in this placement can spell success, so trust yourself, follow your intuition, and dream big!


Jupiter will be expanding your higher mind, helping you to form new ideas about the world and grow your spiritual understanding. You may feel called to travel, study, or you simply may be in the mood for adventure! Trying new things can open up your mind and expand the way you think about things. It is important to always keep learning for the health of our brain too. Use Jupiter in Aries to gain your confidence to try new things, to experiment with new ideas, and to keep learning. Be mindful of not getting locked into a rigid or set way of thinking. Stay open-minded and listen to the voices of others. Keep your thoughts programmed for abundance, rather than limitation. Jupiter in this part of your chart may also bring legal issues to the forefront, know that if you do have any issues, Jupiter will help give you the strength and confidence needed to work your way through it.


Jupiter in Aries is a good time for you to get organized when it comes to your finances. You may find yourself wanting to invest more of your money, or you may find that it’s time to sell an existing investment. Jupiter in Aries is fortunate energy for both of these endeavors, just be sure you are doing your own homework too! In traditional astrology, when Jupiter graces this part of your chart, it can also indicate a lump sum of money coming your way either through an investment, inheritance, royalty, or through money that was owed to you and is finally being paid back. Jupiter in Aries is also a time when health matters may be on your mind. If you have been putting off a surgical procedure, Jupiter in Aries may finally give you the confidence to follow through or explore a completely alternative path. Under this energy, you may also find yourself diving deeper into your shadow side, exploring the inner workings of your mind, or your relationship with intimacy. If you have ever thought of going to therapy or doing any self-discovery work, Jupiter in Aries will beam waves of support your way, accelerating the benefits that follow.


Jupiter in Aries will be lighting up the part of your chart that rules over your relationships. You may find yourself meeting new people that bring fresh inspiration into your life, or you may even meet a significant soulmate. This person is likely to light up your world, open your mind, and help to bring out all of your hidden potentials. If you are in a relationship, this placement can indicate the forming of a deeper connection. You may find yourself taking your relationship to the next level or talking marriage. You may also find your partner a good catalyst to help you break out of your shell and into a more expansive, aligned place. As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, it can also shine a spotlight on all the things that are not working in your relationships, beckoning you to make healthy changes or perhaps leave a relationship altogether. Either way, Jupiter will be on your side, helping to open your heart and deepen your connection with those that you surround yourself with. Jupiter in this placement can also indicate an abundance of clients, contracts, and fortunate networking opportunities.


Jupiter will be shining a spotlight on your health and wellbeing. If you haven’t been looking after yourself, if you have been burning the candle at both ends, you may find that things finally start to catch up to you. Jupiter in Aries will be helping you to bring more balance into your daily life and how you conduct your routine. What steps can you take to make your daily routine healthier and more aligned with how you wish to be spending your time? This is where Jupiter in Aries is going to work its magic for you. Once you have a schedule flowing, Jupiter can help by sending you an abundance of aligned opportunities. If you do gig or contract work, this is a very fortunate placement, and indicates that your schedule may be quite busy! You may also find yourself taking on more projects at work, just keep work and play in balance!


Jupiter in Aries brings you adventure, fun, and romance! You may find yourself looking to reconnect with your inner child, and spend time doing things that bring you joy. We seldom make time for joy, so this is a beautiful energy to connect and work with. Use this energy to make time for friends, take a road trip somewhere, and expand your creative gifts. If you work in a creative industry or have a creative hobby, Jupiter in Aries can help to channel fresh inspiration and bold creative ideas. Jupiter in Aries is also a fortunate placement if you are looking to have a child. If you already have children, you may find yourself developing a deeper connection with them under this placement. If you are looking for love, Jupiter in Aries is also a fantastic combination of energy for meeting someone new or for getting in touch with what you really want from your significant other.


Jupiter in Aries will be shining a spotlight on your home and family life. You may find yourself wanting to move, or make renovations to your existing space. If you have been looking for your dream home, Jupiter in Aries can definitely help to speed up the manifestation! When it comes to your family, you may find yourself needing to be there for them more than usual. If there is any healing that needs to be done with a family member, Jupiter in Aries can send the right cosmic waves to help you find the confidence to have difficult conversations or set boundaries. On a deeper level, Jupiter in Aries may also shine a spotlight on your shadow side, helping you to uncover subconscious thought patterns that are blocking your progress or holding you back in life. Stay open to what comes up, and use the energy of Jupiter in Aries to clear all that is no longer needed.


Jupiter in Aries will be helping you to find your voice. If you have been holding back from sharing your story, or your opinions, Jupiter in Aries will give you the confidence you need to let those around you know how you really feel. The challenge here will be to ensure that you are not projecting your thoughts and feelings onto others, and also holding space for others to share too. With Jupiter in Aries, your communication skills are going to be your golden ticket and will help you to form deeper connections and get further along when it comes to your career. Jupiter in Aries is also a fortunate placement when it comes to any sibling relationships. You may find yourself forging deeper relationships with your siblings, or needing to be there for them in a new way.


Jupiter in Aries is one of the luckiest placements for you when it comes to abundance! There is a golden opportunity here to use this energy to expand your wealth and to increase your income. You may find yourself in line for a raise, or if you have a side project you are working on, it could prove to be quite fruitful for you! In order to accept all of this abundance that is coming your way, you need to know that you are worthy and deserving to receive. Fear and limiting self-beliefs are all going to get in the way, so use this Jupiter in Aries energy to clear them out and to celebrate your worth! If you need help doing this, know that Jupiter in Aries is going to be on your side, and will send the right teachers and healers your way- you just have to take the first step!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.