June Solstice and Astrology 2015

Just like the seasons will change this month, so too will the energy of the Universe as June’s astrology is all about clearing the old so the new can emerge.

For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, the days will get shorter and the nights will get longer.

For those living in the Southern Hemisphere, the days will get longer and the nights will get shorter.

This will be marked by the Solstice which will fall on June 22nd, signifying the beginning of a new season and a new energy.

You may of already started to feel the transformative energy of June as a powerful Full Moon fell on June 2nd, presenting the theme for the month ahead- seeking truth in order to change.

June is really going to be about going back through the past in order to clear out all the old debris and truly open your eyes to all that is around you.

June is really going to force you to look in the mirror, bare and raw, in order to see all that you are, clearly and with purpose.

In order for this to happen, a slew of planets will move retrograde from Mercury to Saturn, Neptune and even Venus will follow in July.

When planets move retrograde, they force us to revisit the old in order to release the outdated and limiting thoughts of our past.

Retrograde planets ask us to look at the subconscious, rather than the conscious, and dig deep through our psyche in order to clear the way for the new.

Mercury went retrograde last month on May 19th, so it is likely that communications, plans and travel may have caused you some delays or issues.

Know that this is the Universe’s way of reminding you to look at the finer details and to be sure you have all the information presented before making an action.

Mercury will move direct by June 11th, but won’t resume full pace until June 27th.

Once Mercury begins moving direct, the Universe will start pushing more energy your way to get projects off the ground and on an emotional level, you may feel some clarity around situations that were presented to you on the June 2nd Full Moon.

Another big energy shift to watch this month is on June 12th, when Saturn will retrograde back into the sign of Scorpio.

Because Saturn will not return to this placement until 2041, he is really going to make sure that you have heeded and are taking responsibility for all that you learnt in the last 2.5 years.

Saturn’s placement in Scorpio was difficult for many, however with this final retrograde, nothing new will be stirred. Saturn will simply be making sure that you have evolved and grown from the experiences he has been offering you.

With Saturn the message is always about “responsibility” so it’s wise to remember that if you are struggling with his energy.

If you are curious what message Saturn has for you, think back to the events around December 21, 2014 as it is likely that you were given a big clue around this time.

Saturn will leave Scorpio on November 18th, 2015 and will officially move into Sagittarius for the next 2.5 years. This will be a much more comfortable placement for most.

A New Moon in Gemini will also arise on the 16th, shortly after Saturn turns retrograde.

This New Moon is really going to allow you to go within, honor your truth and release the bonds that are holding you back from being your true, authentic self.

The energy of communication will also be strong at this time, so definitely use it to your advantage if you want to get something off your chest.

Due to the other energies floating around this month, this New Moon will also be a perfect and powerful time to set goals and work out what qualities you wish to create for the rest of the year ahead.

Venus and Mars will also continue to do their dance across the sky this month as they both move into significant placements.

Venus, the planet of love, beauty and profits will move into into the fiery sign of Leo early this month where she will stay until October 2015.

This is an unusually long stay for Venus due to a retrograde cycle (in July) which happens only every 20 months or so. This makes her placement in Leo definitely more significant.

While in Leo, Venus will be teaching you to embrace your creativity, your potential and talents. She will also be encouraging you to step out into the limelight and fully shine.

Because Venus also rules love, in relationships she is going to be challenging you to awaken the Goddess or God within in order to ensure that all your relationships serve a higher purpose and are aligned with what you truly desire.

On June 15th, Mars, the planet of masculinity, action and motivation will meet with the Sun- a rare event that only happens every two years.

During this time, you may feel the desire to enter into ‘warrior’ mode as a light will shine upon all your challenges in order for you to turn them into sources of great strength and motivation.

This energy will also strongly favor new innovations, negotiations, implementation of ideas and achievements.

Even though the transits in June seem heavy, the month really finishes on a light note that should see a deepening positivity and excitement about the rest of the year ahead.

Trust that the Universe is really showing its support now to help you clear out the old and begin laying the foundation for the rest of the year ahead.

June is all about embracing change- a change of the seasons and a change of energy, which will ultimately bring about a fresh, new start.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.