March Equinox & The Start of the Astrological New Year 2025

march equinox astrology 2025

March 20, 2025, brings the Equinox, a time of equal night and day and the beginning of Spring or Autumn, depending on which hemisphere of the world you live in.

It is said that on the Equinox, the energy grid of the planet moves into higher harmony, allowing us to soak in the healing powers of Mother Nature with greater ease. With the energy grid of the planet alive and awakened, we can also replenish our own energy centers of the body and send our thoughts and intentions out into the Universe for creation.

Along with this powerful Equinox energy, we also celebrate the start of the astrological year on this day. This is because, in Western Astrology, the March Equinox coincides with the start of Aries Season, the first sign of the zodiac.

As we move into the first sign of the zodiac, we begin a new journey, a new trip around the Sun, where we get to experience the energies and vibration of each of the twelve zodiac signs all over again.

The March Equinox, therefore, becomes a significant power day in our year where we can celebrate the new, welcome the fresh starts it brings, and set intentions for the year to come.

March Equinox Astrology 2025

This year, the March Equinox arrives during the Eclipse Portal, as we are moving from one state of consciousness to the next. During the Eclipse Portal, the veil is thin, and our spiritual energy is strong, allowing us to further absorb the magical rebalancing energies of the Equinox.

Eclipse Season can always be a challenging time as we feel the winds of change move through our lives, but the Equinox arriving right after the Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse (March 14) and just before the Aries Solar Eclipse (March 29) reminds us to find our center.

Taking deep breaths and allowing the energy grid of mother nature to soak into our cells can help us to balance these potent cosmic cycles.

Mercury and Venus are also both in retrograde under the March 2025 Equinox, indicating a need to slow down and work with the wisdom of the past. We are invited to look over where we have been in order to move forward. We may also find nuggets of wisdom from our past, or the past experiences of others, can help to be our guide.

Venus Retrograde in particular, will be activating some heart healing energies for us and allowing us to see a greater truth when it comes to our relationships. As we begin the new astrological year, we may decide that certain patterns and dynamics have to be released in order to move into deeper states of love and connection.

Neptune is also active under the March 2025 Equinox as it prepares to end its journey in Pisces and move into Aries. Neptune won’t officially move into Aries until March 30, but once again, we have an end point energy to work with.

Neptune is the planet of our hopes, dreams, and wishes, so we may find these areas up for review. How have our dreams and goals evolved and changed since Neptune first entered Pisces back in 2011?

While there are lots of questions to ask ourselves under this March Equinox, it seems that we are really moving through a transition point where we are being called to make changes and to let the old ways that are no longer serving us go.

This March 2025 Equinox, holds some strong spiritual energy that we can use to seek guidance and wisdom from our intuition and from Mother Earth. Move with conscious intention, don’t be in a rush to push ahead, and instead, allow the softer energies to work their magic.

How to Use the Energies of the March Equinox

Allow new inspiration, new ideas, and new perspectives to filter into your being under the March Equinox. Allow yourself to wash away all of the old, outdated and outworn thoughts, feelings, situations, and habits that are no longer serving your highest good.

Move through your body and cleanse and release every cell. Make it a point to take a deep breath and breathe out all that no longer supports. Hold the highest vision of yourself.

This energy is a gift, but it’s up to us to use it. Go outside on this day and surround yourself with the healing power of nature, pull an oracle or tarot card for yourself, meditate, journal, create intentional time around what you wish to fill this new year with and what you wish to heal. The Universe will be on your side.

Here is a quick reference list of some ways to utilize this energy:

  • Cleanse your auric field
  • Spend time in nature
  • Set goals for the new year and take action on those goals (even a micro-action is good)
  • Start a new healthy habit/ end unhealthy habits
  • Reorganize your schedule to be more aligned
  • Clear the clutter and cleanse your space
  • Pull an oracle/tarot card or have a spiritual reading
  • Get focused on what you wish to attract

You can also try these Equinox rituals here.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.