Nikki’s Weekly Tarot: March 3-9, 2025

Weekly Tarot

The cards pictured are from the ‘Rosa Obscura’ deck by Orla Bird.

Seven of Swords and The High Priestess

Our first card this week is the Seven of Swords. This card speaks to stuck energy that needs to be released. It suggests that we may have been avoiding or concealing something that requires our attention. This card says now is the time to confront what has been troubling us.

This could be a secret dream we need to speak into reality. It could be a bad habit we must deal with to feel more whole. Or it could be a lie we are telling ourselves that is no longer working.

We are called to ask these questions. We examine our hearts and minds, take out our journals, and write with deep honesty.

The Seven of Swords has us questioning our belief systems and investigating our thoughts. We are noticing our patterns and wonder if there is a better way.

We observe the contents of our minds. We look at our habits as objectively as possible and support our growth without judgment. Shame and guilt will block us from where we want to be, so we lead our charge with compassion instead.

Set intentional time aside this week for some serious contemplation and journaling. With love, see if you can get closer to yourself and release what no longer serves you.

Our next card this week is the High Priestess. She is the second Major Arcana card and second on the Fool’s Journey. And though the journey has just started, she asks us to stop and pause because she knows the importance of rest and reflection.

The Priestess gives us clues on how to care for ourselves during this time. We are encouraged to tap into our intuition and spiritual abilities to see through the fog and find the answers we need.

She asks us to call upon our angels, ancestors, and messengers, who always support us. She wants us to use our gifts to draw out the light surrounding the dark.

If you create moments of stillness, the energy of the Priestess will be able to enter your world. She will give you insights into the wisdom of your future. She will send you messages of peace.

To channel this energy, spend time in meditation or reflection. Take out a journal and write in stream-of-consciousness, tap into your creativity through something artistic, move your body intuitively, or set intentions before you sleep and record your dreams.

The High Priestess reminds us of the importance of disconnecting from the world around us and connecting to our spirit. From that space, we can access so much intelligence, power, and healing.

Mantra for the week: When I quiet my spirit, wisdom guides me. I release patterns and habits that no longer serve my growth.

If you like the weekly readings and want to go deeper, head to to book your personal session with me.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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