Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: February 17-23, 2020

weekly tarot reading

The Knight of Cups and the 4 of Disks

There is a lot of planetary energy in the cosmos right now. Of course, Mercury in Retrograde on the 17th and the start of Pisces Season on the 19th are major players. Many of us are feeling the heightened energy and the influences of these powers.

The cards are here to give us guidance and wisdom during this time so we can stay grounded and centered. They help us navigate the world and trust our inner voice and intuition.

The first of our cards is the Knight of Cups. When the Knight shows up in a reading I know we are ready to listen to our hearts. There is a goal in mind and we feel a strong urge to turn it into reality.

The Knight is reaching towards a heavenly chalice in the sky, a reference to the Holy Grail, and he is single-minded in his approach. His focus is strong and his energy is fierce. His wings raise him to his dreams and he reaches out to grab them.

But just like most stories of the Holy Grail, it is not a completely smooth journey. There will be ups and downs and some false roads. However, the Knight of Cups assures you that with hard work you will find fulfillment.

Because we are receiving this card under the influence of Mercury in Retrograde, the card does not hold the same meaning of making our goals a reality in real time.

It is calling for us to do the discovery and building work for our goals, but to be patient for when to set them into place. This is a beautiful time of exploration of what we want and really going inward to connect to our purpose.

But we do not need to take any swift actions in order to make things happen. We can wait until the timing is right. This practice of connecting to what we want and listening to the world around us is a skill and a gift.

We are being called to hone in on our ability to be patient and to wait for the right moment to act. This will cause us to be more observant and contemplative in the coming weeks. We will notice that things are most successful when done in their season.

Pisces is a sign of inner work and dream exploration. It is a sensitive sign that loves alone time and creative thinking. Entering Pisces season is the perfect time to dig deep into your goals and prepare for taking flight.

The 4 of Disks is also called ‘Power’ and it’s about a strong and positive foundation. It calls us to take stock of all that gives us strength.

‘Power’ is the antidote to stressful or defeatist thinking. Especially if that type of thinking comes up while planning big and life-changing goals, as the Knight sees us doing.

The card portrays a solid fortress that gives both security and power. The symbols on each of the four pillars are the elements: earth, air, fire, and water.

The 4 of Disks is about seeing the abundance of the Earth and how much it supports us. On a very material level, it gives us air to breathe, food to eat, shelter to live and clothes to wear. This planet literally supports our ability to live.

But it also supports us on a deeper level. It is the mother of us all and wants us not only to survive but thrive.

This card calls for us to feel the security and strength of living on a planet that supports us by being grateful for this Earth and all its riches.

By tapping into gratitude for what we have, we relieve some worries we experience when planning for our future. From a place of security, we can harness our power and feel confident in entering our less stable world.

We have a strong foundation inside and the planet supports us. Building the connection to our strength and trusting ourselves and our authority is the work of the 4 of Disks.

Do you have that inner trust already? Or do you need to build and grow it? This is part of our calling right now under the influence of the cards and planets.

We are being called to build our strength and trust while setting the path for our next gorgeous steps. We want to leap but this inner work will make sure we are successful when we do.

Mantra for the week: I set the stage for success through conscious planning and awareness of timing. I grow my power through gratitude and trust.

I would love to pull some cards just for you. Check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading.

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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