Princess of Cups and Queen of Wands
The Princess of Cups is a dreamer. She thinks about what she wants for herself and the world. She doesn’t restrict her heart and envisions the life she desires.
She represents the earthy part of water, where dreams become real. She helps you put plans to your desires and make concrete action steps. She wants you to stop just fantasizing about what you want and make it a reality.
The Princess of Cups is surrounded by a dolphin, a sea turtle, a lotus blossom, and a swan. She is soaking deep into the water. These creatures and elements are highly intuitive and creative. They are our totems as we dive deep into these energies.
The Princess of Cups tells us we are entering a more nurturing and creative time with ourselves. We feel protective of our own peace and want to nourish this energy in any way possible.
If there is a place or activity in our life where we feel calm and relaxed we will be especially dawn to it. We will look for ways to repeat peaceful practices as much as possible.
In this restorative place, we will be able to think clearly about what we wish for the most. We will be able to envision a future that reflects what is in our hearts. We will emerge with clarity on how to move forward.
Yoga, creating art, time alone, or any quiet time will feel right on this week. We are craving these activities and we should give in to these cravings.
The Queen of Wands represents our fiery side. She shows us how we contain many layers and need all the elements to be a full human being.
She is the spark inside of us. She is the energy that makes us both a loyal friend and a worthy adversary.
She is that passionate energy that bubbles up when we see injustices in the world. She is the badass in us that has been through the very worst days and made it out stronger.
This makes her tough and opinionated. But maybe not the best at communicating in a diplomatic way. She can be overpowering and can turn people off.
How can you connect to your intense and fiery energy but not alienate people? How can you be both strong and warm, especially to those that don’t share your same beliefs?
Blending the calm and dedicated energy of the Princess of Cups with the fiery passion of The Queen of Wands is the transformative energy the world needs right now.
How can we have compassion for those we do not agree with while still holding them accountable? How can we practice calm movement with impactful actions?
It is those that can lead with both strength and compassion that will create the real change that the world needs. It is those that can listen to others without being demeaning or overly critical, that will build bridges.
Practice your mediation this week. Get into your place of centered power. See your future with calming clarity.
And then, let the fire inside push you to create change through understanding and grace. Moving from a place of compassion will make your actions so much stronger.
Mantra for the week: I create change through peace. I create change through love.