Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse Ritual March 2025

virgo blood moon ritual 2025

The Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse arrives on March 14, 2025, bringing waves of transformative energy our way. Blood Moons are connected with the feminine and the cycle of death and rebirth. We may find something falls away or that we have reached a significant culmination point.

Blood Moon Eclipses are the most potent kind we can experience, and are a good opportunity to practice the art of surrender. This is not a time to control, but rather to let go and allow the Universe to guide us.

Eclipses can be a highly sensitive time, so this ritual is designed to help bring you spiritual strength while allowing you to flow with the intentions of the Universe.

If you would like to learn more about the astrology of the Blood Moon Eclipse, your full forecast is here.

I hope you enjoy the ritual!

Virgo Blood Moon Ritual 2025

You will need:


1.) Start by cleansing your aura using your aura cleansing tool of choice, as you do, recite the following affirmation:

“Cycles come, and cycles go; it’s time to watch this wheel unfold. I cleanse myself from top to toe; I cleanse myself so I can grow. I release the energy that holds my heart; I release the energy of the past. I release this energy so I may shine; I release this energy to the Divine. I am cleansed, I am clear. I am cleansed, I am clear. I am cleansed, I am clear.”

Now, cleanse your surroundings and ritual space. As you do this, recite the following affirmation:

“I release and let go of all that no longer serves me from this space. I release and let go of all stagnant energy that may dwell here. I clear and cleanse this space; only love and light live here. My space is cleansed, my space is protected. I am whole. I am protected. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

2.) Get your pen, paper, and scissors. Cut about 20 strips of paper, and on each strip, write down a wish, affirmation, or intention. You can write a whole sentence or just one word—for best results, do a mix of both. For example, “I wish for healing for my grandma.” Strength. “The ability to let go of my ex.” To feel happiness. “Clarity.” Etc.

Fold up the strips of paper so they all look identical and place them in a pile.

3.) Now get nice and comfortable and do your Surrender to Peace Meditation. This 13 minute meditation will help bring calm balance to your mind, body, and soul. It will also put you in a nice relaxed state to complete the rest of the ritual.

4.) Once the meditation is complete, sit in front of your pile of papers. Ask to be guided to the 3 papers that will bring you the most peace, comfort, and growth through this Eclipse Season. Use your intuition to select three of the papers. The papers you chose will be your guide for Eclipse Season.

5.)The final step of this ritual offers more intuitive wisdom with your Virgo Blood Moon Eclipse Tarot Reading. In this reading, you will be guided to select a card to receive a message. See how the message ties in with the affirmations/intentions you just selected.

Your ritual is now completed! Hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to do the meditation multiple times over the next month if needed.

Eclipse Blessings!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.