Nikki’s Weekly Tarot Reading: March 15-21, 2021

weekly tarot reading

Temperance and The Lovers

This week we enter the astrological new year with the start of Aries season. It is also the beginning of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere and Fall in the Southern. With all these changes the cards are here to guide our way.

Temperance is a card of balance. The figure on the card is a powerful energy worker, creating a harmony of the elements.

The Temperance card often showcases the process of alchemy: the blending of different items in order to make something new and even more valuable.

It brings up the ideas of trust, faith, and balance. It tells us that the Universe is always at work, maintaining the flow of all things.

In order to work with the Temperance card, ask yourself these questions: Are you doing too much of something that is currently draining you? Or is there an activity you are really craving or missing? Can you create variety in your routine in order to strike more of a balance?

The energy of the Temperance card will help us see where we are off this week. It wants to make sure our scales are in order. It asks us to love ourselves and create a healthier path forward.

The Temperance card can often be the push and confidence needed to take a risk. It is a card that is all about creativity and growth.

What is the Temperance card calling you to do? How does its beautiful imagery and process of alchemy inspire you?

Our second card for the week is The Lovers. This card speaks to self-love as well as romantic love.

There is an innocence and trust that comes with this card. This is our heart before we were ever hurt and before we became overly cautious with our emotions.

Through the energy of this card, we give our love freely to others. We feel whole in ourselves and are not looking for another person to make us complete.

Under the influence of The Lovers, we have a deep respect for ourselves. We do things that make us feel beautiful, cared for, and healthy. We treat ourselves like the kings and queens we are.

Through loving ourselves, we begin to trust the Universe again. We start to love others with less fear. We work on our blocks and let go of the past.

We are calling in love that is on a higher plane. This love is ruled by emotional honesty and genuine expression. All parties are balanced in their effort and vulnerability.

Depicted on The Lovers card are equal partners, entering into a spiritual marriage. Cupid and fate are blessing them with the might of Universal Love.

The Lovers is not about two halves becoming a whole, but two wholes coming together to make one joyful and healthy relationship. We are guided to make space for this type of love in our lives.

If you have lost optimism about this type of love or don’t believe you deserve it, this is your sign to let go of that belief. It is time to have hope and know that you are worthy.

This belief, along with our inner-work, will allow love to enter our world. We are no longer blocking love through our self-limiting thoughts.

We are called to open up and listen to our hearts and the Universe. Let the vibration of these cards guide you under the influence of the new seasons.

If we listen now we won’t get a big kick in the butt later. We are always receiving messages and the sooner we listen the less intense the impact will be.

This week, let yourself receive your messages and take action to move in your soul’s direction. The cosmos is full of signs and energy right now, we just have to be open to their calling.

Mantra for the week: I let go of limiting beliefs around love and fulfillment. I prioritize healthy balance in my world.

If you want to know what the cards hold just for you, check out to sign up for a personal tarot reading!

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About the author

Nikki Fogerty

I have been studying and working with tarot for two decades. Helping people dive deeper into their lives through the cards is my passion. I will support your ability to connect with your own intuitive wisdom and joy.

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