Pisces New Moon Ritual March 2022

pisces new moon ritual 2022

The Pisces New Moon on March 2nd is encouraging us to sit with our shadows and any darkness that lives within in order to find forgiveness, love, greater compassion, and to confront all that needs to be cleared.

It is also in the darkness that we tap into the powers of creation and manifestation, so know that is on offer to us too.

In this ritual, you will be guided to work with the March 2022 New Moon energies to bring comfort, restoration, and ease back into your body.

Pisces rules over the feet, which are an important exit point of the body. In this ritual, you will be guided to work with your feet and the many energy centers that dwell there. Through this practice, you will not only be able to release the past and any energies that no longer need to sit in the shadows, but you will also create space for new things to grow.

You can get your full forecast for the Pisces New Moon here.

Pisces New Moon Ritual 2022

This ritual is best done between February 27-March 9, 2022

You will need:

  • Foot bath or something to rinse your feet in
  • DIY foot scrub: carrier oil like coconut or olive mixed with a few drops of peppermint or lavender essential oil and some coarse salt or sugar- enough to form a scrub-like consistency. You can also just use a ready-made foot scrub/lotion if you have it or just plain body oil.
  • Warm water for rinsing
  • Towel for drying
  • Journal and pen
  • Angel Healing Cosmic Guided Meditation
  • Glass of water or hot tea


To set up for this ritual: Prepare your DIY foot scrub. Have your towel and journal handy and sit with your feet either in the tub, in a foot bath, or just in a bucket. If you are using a foot bath/bucket have some warm water nearby. Once you apply the foot scrub it will be too slippery to try and get up, so just be prepared with everything nearby!

1.) To begin this ritual, place your hand over your heart and take a moment to get still with your breath. Recite the following cleansing mantras. The best way to do it is to read the mantra aloud and then take a deep breath in and out.

  • I prepare myself for the work of this ritual and give thanks to this healing foot scrub. (breathe in and out)
  • I am calm and centered in my body, mind, and soul. (breathe in and out)
  • I am ready to release the past. (breathe in and out)
  • I am ready to forgive myself and release any shame so I may step into the true fullness of my being. (breathe in and out)
  • I am peace, I am calm, I am love. (breathe in and out)

2.) Take your foot scrub/lotion, and begin massaging it into your feet. As you do, work through any knots or tight spots. Send healing energy and thoughts of gratitude down to your feet. Once done, use your towel to dry your hands. (Don’t walk! Your feet will be very slippery!)

3.) Now take your journal and select one of the following prompts –

  • I need to forgive myself for…
  • I have deep shame around…
  • I secretly feel…
  • I feel most magical when…

Begin writing, allowing your pen to flow and your feet to soak up all the healing oils.

4.) When you are done writing, pause to reflect on anything that has come up for you. Read over what you have written, or just sit with any feelings that are stirring.

5.) Then, when ready, use the warm water to cleanse your feet and to cleanse away any of the emotions that have been stirred. Give yourself permission to release it all, forgive yourself, and leave the past behind. As you rinse your feet with the water, feel free to recite the following affirmation or say what you feel in the moment-

“It is time for me to cleanse and wash away the shame, guilt, and pains of the past. Even though these moments have helped make me wiser and stronger, it is time to let them go. I release all of it, returning it to the Universe, returning it to a state of zero. I release myself from anything that has kept me stuck or held back. I release myself from any self-imposed shackles or chains. I set myself free, I release and cleanse. I allow myself to step into the fullness of my being. I allow myself to step into the fullness of my light. It’s ok for me to let the past go. I forgive myself. I forgive myself. I love myself. I love myself. I deserve all the beauty that life has to offer.”

6.) Once your feet are cleansed of the scrub, dry them with your towel. Just be very careful to ensure your feet are still not oily as I don’t want you to slip! (Also please note your bathtub may be very slippery after doing this, so once your feet are dry don’t put them back in the tub!)

7.) When ready, get comfortable on your meditation cushion, couch, or bed and do your Angel Cosmic Guided Meditation.

8.) When done with your meditation, take your water or your cup of tea and program it with an affirmation, intention, or mantra of your own. Try to make it something you wish to call into your life or a feeling place that you wish to manifest for yourself. Sip on your water or tea until the cup is empty.

Your ritual is now complete!

New Moon Blessings to you

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.