Sagittarius New Moon Total Solar Eclipse Ritual December 2021

sagittarius solar eclipse ritual 2021

December 3/4 brings a New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius. This Eclipse closes a cycle we have been working with since May of 2020.

This Total Solar Eclipse will see us arrive at our final destination, ready to step through into a new chapter of our soul’s evolution.

You can learn more about this Eclipse with your full forecast here.

Here is a ritual to try under the Eclipse energies. It focuses on gratitude and feeling aligned in your being no matter where you have landed-

Your Solar Eclipse Ritual December 2021

This ritual is best done December 1-21, 2021

You will need:

  • Aura cleansing tool of choice 
  • I am Aligned Cosmic Meditation
  • A minimum of three of the following: citrus slices, cinnamon sticks, bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, sage, mint, flower petals (dried or fresh), cloves, star anise, cardamom pods, vanilla beans, ginger, chamomile buds, lavender buds, eucalyptus leaves, sea salt, peppercorns, or essential oils.
  • Water
  • Saucepan

Note: in this ritual, we are creating a sacred brew that we will gently heat and simmer on the stove. The brew is not for consumption.


1.) Have all your ingredients in front of you. Don’t put anything in your saucepan just yet and don’t combine/mix your items. Just have everything laid out individually on a board or plate so it can be easily reached. Have your water in a glass/jug.

2.) Start by cleansing your aura and your surroundings. You may also wish to cleanse your kitchen area and ritual ingredients.

As you cleanse your aura, feel free to recite the following- 

“I cleanse and release the past and all that weighs heavy on my soul. I let go of all the baggage I have collected this year and in years past, and I ask for it to be released and returned to the Earth. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am now cleansed, I am now at peace. I am now connected and rooted to Source. I am light and love, and I am a powerful being of divinity. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

As you cleanse your ingredients/space, please feel free to recite the following- 

“I lift the energy of this space, creating room to bring in more love, joy, and gratitude. This space is surrounded with love and light. These ingredients are blessed with love and light. My space is cleansed; my space is filled with abundant, peaceful energy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”

3.) Sit in front of your ingredients, and recite this prayer/affirmation (feel free to edit it to make it your own)- 

“I honor the journey this Eclipse cycle has unfolded for me. Even though I may not fully understand just yet the lessons and growth I have moved through, I give thanks and graitude for all I have experienced. I give thanks and gratitude for where I am today. This year I am most grateful for (ENTER). Right now I am most grateful for (ENTER). And in the new year I am most looking forward to (ENTER).

4.) Take your first ingredient and hold it in your hands. Program it with an intention by reciting what you wish to call in or create in your life, or something you feel grateful for. Recite this out loud, imagining your intention infusing into that item. When done, place your item into the saucepan and repeat with all other items you are using. 

5.) Take your glass of water and pour the water into the saucepan. Make sure all your ingredients are covered with water but be careful not to overfill your pan.

6.) You have two options for your next step. You can place your uncovered saucepan on the stove on a very gentle, slow flame while you do your meditation. Or, if you prefer not to leave your saucepan unattended while you meditate, simply place it next to you as you meditate rather than on the stove. 

7.) Do your I am Aligned guided meditation using headphones.

8.) If you haven’t already, leave your brew on a very gentle simmer for as long as you like. Allow yourself to enjoy the beautiful smells of your brew and to let it infuse its magic into your soul, your house, and the planet. 

Once the water begins to evaporate down, take it off the stove. Wait for it to cool, thank your ingredients, and then discard it all, preferably outside if you can.

Note: if you feel drawn to, you can always dry out any herbs or cinnamon sticks you used and feel free to hang on to them or place them on your altar, as a representation of your intentions.

Your ritual is complete! Happy Solar Eclipse!

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.