Virgo Full Moon Ritual February 2021

virgo full moon ritual 2021

The vibrations of the Virgo Full Moon feel to be a healing tonic. Whatever medicine our mind, body, and soul is craving is on offer to us under the energies of February’s sweet Full Moon. 

Virgo is the natural medicine woman, and all of us, regardless of our sign, can tap into the healing power of nature and our own inner potential. 

The Virgo energies of this Full Moon remind us that our strength and inner knowing comes when we are connected to our higher self, and acting in accordance with our own inner divinity.

Here is a ritual to guide you – 

This ritual is best done from February 24- March 9, 2021

Virgo Full Moon Vibrational Medicine Ritual

You will need:


1.) Have all your ritual ingredients ready to go, and start with the Ho’oponopono meditation. This meditation will naturally cleanse your aura, reconnect you with your heart, and help to clear any lingering resentments or shame that may be stored in your body. 

2.) After your meditation is complete, stand up and give your body a gentle shake, just to release any final energies that are no longer needed. 

3.) Take your jar of spring water and program it with a loving intention. Water has a memory and by infusing your water with an intention, it helps to lock the vibration of that intention into the water. Here is a guide but you can say whatever you feel – 

“I program this water with the intention of……. thank you.”

4.) Make sure majority of the stems of your flowers are removed. You mostly just want the buds. Take three of your flower buds, one represents the past, one represents the present, and the third represents the future. 

5.) Gently cup the first flower in both hands and whisper something to it that you would like to release or let go of from your past. Once done, drop the flower into the jar of water. 

6.) Take your second flower, gently cupping it in both hands and whisper something to it that you would like support, healing or assistance with for a situation that is happening in the present. Drop the flower into the jar of water once done.

7.) Take your final flower, and cupping it in both hands whisper a wish you would like to see manifest for the future. Once done, drop the flower into the jar. 

8.) Take your quartz crystal if using, and place it into your jar of water. This will heighten the vibration of all of your intentions. 

9.) Take your jar and close the lid. Hold it in both hands and just allow yourself to send loving energy into the jar. See the loving energy flowing from your hands, into the jar, and back up into your heart. 

10.) Take your jar and leave it near a window or outside under the light of the moon overnight. Even if it’s cloudy, the vibrations of the Moon will still infuse into your water. 

11.) You can now do your Virgo Full Moon reading if using. In this reading, you use your intuition to pick a card. Each card contains channeled, intuitive wisdom that you can use for guidance and support on your journey. 

12.) In the morning, take your jar and remove the flowers, returning them to the earth if possible. Dry off your crystal and then use that water throughout the coming days either as a face mist, or as something to wash your hair/hands/feet. You can also add a few drops of this water to a body lotion or to a washcloth and rest over your face or forehead.

(I do not recommend drinking this water.)

Happy Full Moon!

Read More:

Intuitive Astrology: Virgo Full Moon February 2021

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.