Nikki, who has been doing the Weekly Tarot Readings is taking a break, so in the meantime, I am filling in with these weekly Oracle Readings. The deck I am using is the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms by Colette Baron-Reid. Hope you enjoy!
The Spirit Whisperer and The Cosmos
The Spirit Whisperer is our guide as the Aries Full Moon energies start to dissipate this week. She comes to remind us to listen to our instincts and to trust our inner voice.
She will be whispering guidance and messages of love and hope in our ear, but we have to be open to receiving her calls. We have to step out of our own way, let our guard down, and put our fears to the side so we can hear all that she has to say.
While it is fun to think of the Spirit Whisperer as a Being that is outside of ourselves, she actually lives within each of us. She represents our own inner voice, our own Divine connection, and the whispers of our own Spirit.
We all have Spirit Guides and Angels by our side, but we also have our own Divine wisdom that lives within too. We just have to get better at trusting it.
Take a moment to really process and digest the idea that everything you seek and the road to everything you desire lives within you. The potential you need is inside, you just have to feel this truth deeply in order to unlock and release it.
Be sure to spend time in reflection and meditation. Journal, take a walk in nature and you will hear the wisdom of your own Spirit whispering to you.
This is a week for really trusting your instincts, listening to your intuition, and remembering that you hold the wisdom you need to make it through both your brightest and darkest days.
The Cosmos card is a wonderful companion to the Spirit Whisperer. It reminds us that we are all cosmic beings and we are all playing our part to create the world and environment that we live in.
We are co-creators on this journey, and as co-creators we have the potential to shape not only how we see the world but how others do too.
At any time, we can choose to see someone through the eyes of kindness and say gentle words to remind them that they are loved. At any time, we can reach out and let someone know that we hear them, understand them, and that their thoughts and feelings are valid.
We have the power to bring more love and healing into this world through our actions, our words, and our thoughts, and the Cosmos card reminds us of this powerful fact.
If you are feeling angry or irritable this week, see where you can make more room for compassion and understanding.
Rather than getting mad at someone or judging others for their behavior, see if you can find a way to remember that just like you, they too are facing their own pains, dealing with their own traumas, and trying their best.
Sometimes looking at the world through these compassionate eyes can make our journey and the journey of those around us a little less difficult.
Of course, this same love, understanding, and compassion has to be returned to the self too, so be sure you are being kind and gentle towards yourself and honoring your own boundaries no matter what comes your way this week.
The Cosmos card is also a powerful card for manifestation. If there is something you want to create or draw into your life, this is a positive card of support.
You can also use the energy of this card to manifest a brighter week for yourself.
Before falling asleep each night, imagine how your day is going to unfold for tomorrow. Visualize yourself getting up and having a delicious breakfast. Visualize yourself putting together a great outfit and just feeling really confident in your own skin.
Visualize the drive to work being smooth and traffic-free. Visualize yourself getting all the things crossed off your to-do list in a calm and balanced manner. Visualize yourself having any difficult conversations with ease. Visualize yourself having a wonderful dinner with friends or family, or perhaps meeting a potential lover.
Visualize your perfect day unfolding as you drift off to sleep and see how these visualizations start to creep into the fabric of your reality.
The cosmic energies in our own celestial skies will be simmering down this week as the Full Moon energy fades, so it’s also a wonderful time to detox, release, and to clear out any mental clutter.
To guide you with this, you can try the Aries Full Moon Ritual or simply follow your own instincts to destress and cut the cords of tension in your life.
Life tends to get hectic this time of year, so it’s important to stay in balance, to keep up with a daily spiritual practice and to listen to the whispers of your Spirit.
We are powerful co-creators in this Universe, and while we may not have control over everything that comes our way, we can keep striving to create a better world for ourselves and others by allowing all of our actions, thoughts, and words to come from a place of love.
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