Intuitive Astrology: June New Moon 2016

gemini new moon astrology 2016

2016 is a year of endings and June’s New Moon is not only going to continue helping us to release things, but it is also going to offer us a glimmer of what is to come for 2017, a year of new beginnings.

June’s New Moon on the 4th-5th is also supercharged due to the fact that it is activating many planetary energies.

This potent energy is not only going to help us to release, but it is also going to help us to start thinking about the seeds that we want to plant for the future.

Falling in the sign of Gemini, the ruler of self-expression and the throat chakra, this New Moon is also going to inspire us to express our truth and communicate how we are really feeling.

All of the retrograde energy that we have been encountering recently has been helping us to stir up the past and release it, and now we are being called to speak our truth and speak up for what we truly want. 

In many ways, this New Moon is the Universe’s way of asking us what type of seeds we want to plant for the next chapter.

This new chapter will mostly likely be shaped by the action and energy we are all working with now and up until the next eclipse season which starts in September.

If something has been cleared and released from your life during this retrograde cycle or if cracks have appeared, this New Moon will also give you the opportunity to get more clarity on how to proceed. 

We don’t live in a vacuum. When one door closes, another always opens, so know that as you work on releasing and letting go, new opportunities will also blossom.

Because this New Moon falls in the sign of self-expressive Gemini, communicating what you want to others, to yourself and to the Universe is going to be important.

You may even want to write down what you desire for yourself moving forward and what you want the rest of the year to feel like. 

This New Moon also activates four other planets in the sky. This not only makes June’s New Moon potent but it also highlights four main areas of our lives.

These areas include: our relationships, finances, truth-seeking and our career goals.

One or more of these areas may be highlighted for you around this New Moon and perhaps the Universe may bring to your attention issues that need to be ironed out in these areas.

If you do notice anything stirring in these areas, know that using your intuition is going to be your most valuable tool. 

Like with any Moon based energy, the Moon always supports following our inner guidance system and tuning in to how we really feel.

Often the Moon can highlight our feelings to guide us in the right direction and reveal to us the truth on how we really feel about something. So trust in any intuitive hunches or gut instincts that you have.

June’s New Moon is definitely interesting and is one of the best New Moon’s we have for setting intentions, asking for what we want and super-charging our lives.

The key with this New Moon is to give ourselves permission to express who we are, what we truly desire and what we want moving forward.

Give your wishes to the Universe on this New Moon, and watch them bloom into realities.

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.