Intuitive Astrology: Aries Full Moon October 2020

aries full moon astrology october 2020

The Aries Full Moon on October 1st is the first of two Full Moons for the month. There will be another Full Moon, a Blue Moon at the month’s end in the sign of Taurus.

October is definitely one of the more heated months of the year. It seems that everything 2020 has brought us is coming to a head, and having two Full Moons in the same month indicates a theme of clearing and purging.

All through October, and even as we enter Eclipse Season in November, it seems that we are being guided to clear and purge, not just on a personal level, but on a collective level too.

The shadows are coming to the surface to be birthed into a new light, and it seems like we are clearing not just for ourselves, but for our past and future generations too.

As the October 1st Full Moon falls in Mars’ ruling sign of Aries, it is going to activate the Mars Retrograde which is currently in operation.

It is also going to activate the Mars Saturn Square and the energy of Pluto, which will leave retrograde a few days after the Full Moon peaks on October 4th.

2020 has already brought a lot of tension and heated emotions to the surface in countries all over the world, but the Full Moon has the power to amplify all of this.

In our personal lives, the Aries Full Moon has the power to stir some drama, but we have to remember that getting caught up in drama is usually toxic to our mind and body.

Try your best to stay out of any drama that comes your way and remember that it is often a distraction from the real issue and the truth that is hiding at the core. With some awareness, we can skate past the drama and address the root.

Even though we have this dramatic energy being stirred on this Full Moon, there is a strong healing presence on offer to us too, and this is where we should put our focus.

This healing presence is given to us by the asteroid Chiron, which will be conjunct the Full Moon.

Chiron is known as the wounded healer but also the rainbow bridge. Its energy represents the process of awakening. As we awaken, we are able to take our wounds and turn them into powerful portals of strength, wisdom, and compassion.

When we channel Chiron’s energy, we are also able to walk the bridge into higher states of consciousness.

We are able to see that all that ever happens and unfolds in our lives is for our highest good. We are able to see that even though tragedy and awful things happen in this life, there is always a bigger picture.

On an even deeper level, walking the rainbow bridge reminds us that all we experience in this life is a paradox. It is both real but also an illusion.

By connecting with Chiron’s energy, we can remember that whatever drama or chaos is happening around us is just a minuscule fraction of the bigger picture that we are walking, not just in this life, but across all lifetimes.

At this Full Moon, but more importantly as we enter Eclipse Season next month, it is going to be important to keep our vibration lifted and hold the light.

As Spirit shares, we as a planet, have succeeded in breaking a karmic cycle.

We now just have to ride the wave. We now have to keep ourselves pointed towards the future and away from repeating habits of the past.

We have to keep ourselves in a vibration of unity rather than getting sucked into division or a “them vs. us” mentality.

Remember the wisdom the numerology code of 2020 offered to us- infinite potential when we work together. When people unite, that’s when they are at their most powerful.

Just before we shift out of this old karmic cycle, we are going to feel the chaos ringing the loudest. The storm always gets worse before it gets better.

Keep this in your heart as you journey through not just this Full Moon but also the months ahead.

You were born for this time; your soul chose to be here at this time. We are leaping the planet into the next stage of its consciousness, and your soul, your mind, and your body is along for the ride.

Brighter things are on the horizon, so under this Full Moon, even though you may be feeling irritable, antsy, and even a little stifled. Even though you may feel a strong wave of emotions bubbling up in order to purge and release them, know that this is the moment you have been working towards.

The Aries Full Moon is the beginning of the end of the world as we know it. Let’s channel the Aries warrior energy, and ride confidently into the next chapter.

Let’s channel the fire in our hearts and in our souls and move this planet to the next level.

Don’t get sucked in with division, drama, and the ways of the past. Keep yourself connected to the light, rooted to the Earth, and aligned with your highest and truest self.

Full Moon Ritual and Reading is here

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.