Intuitive Astrology: Capricorn Lunar Eclipse July 2020

capricorn lunar eclipse july 2020

Since the start of June we have been walking through the Eclipse Gateway.

During this Eclipse Gateway, we have been shown glimmers of a new world, but we have also be shown what needs to be purged and released, not just from within ourselves, but from the planet as a whole.

Now, we have reached the last stop on our journey, a Capricorn Lunar Eclipse, which falls on July 4th-5th.

This Eclipse not only ends the current Eclipse Season, but it also ends the Cancer-Capricorn Eclipse cycle that we have been working with since 2018.

Cast your mind back to the first Eclipse of this cycle, which took place in July 2018. What themes have stirred in your life since this time?

What journey have you been traveling in regards to your work life (Capricorn) and your personal life (Cancer)? Where have you felt pushed or pulled when it comes to these areas of your life?

Where have you felt called to create boundaries to either pursue your professional life or spend more time on self-care and with those you love?

The Capricorn-Cancer Eclipse cycle is now coming to an end, and this July 2020 Lunar Eclipse is our final culmination moment.

It represents an ending, the completion of a cycle, and as this cycle completes, we may be able to tune in to the gifts and rewards that are waiting for us.

The Goddess asteroid, Vesta is close to the Sun during this Eclipse. Vesta represents harvest and abundance, and its presence will be ensuring that this Eclipse brings the fruits of our labor.

Vesta will remind us of the importance of nourishing ourselves, and will carry home the message that taking care of ourselves and looking after our health and wellbeing should always be our number one priority.

While there are rewards to be delivered on this Eclipse, there is also a final release or purging too.

We will be guided to release something from our lives, something we have been holding on to that is now ready to be returned to the Earth and replaced with something new.

What are you holding on to that is no longer serving you? What are you holding on to that you would like the Universe to carry away for you?

Under the power of this Eclipse, allow yourself to go with the flow and the rhythm of how you feel. This Eclipse will do the work to take away what is no longer needed.

This Eclipse energy will filter through your life and your body, and help you to surrender and release. Your only job is to learn how to let go. By not fighting, you will have an easier time with these energies.

Trust that whatever has been cleared from your life has been cleared for a reason. As painful as it can be, this is your life. So accept it. Embrace it. Find the hope that is needed to keep walking your journey.

Your energy may feel a little depleted around this Eclipse, so be gentle with yourself, and be sure you are taking time to rest and recharge.

Eclipses can also affect your sleep cycle, so if you do find yourself struggling to fall asleep, perhaps keep a journal by your bedside and write down any thoughts and feelings that are keeping you awake.

If I am struggling to sleep, I usually get up and grab a sip of water. I find moving my body helps to shift my restless energy and reset a little. I then get back into bed and meditate while lying down. I focus on my breath and start with a body scan. I imagine a beautiful white light traveling up my body, slowing making its way to the top of my head.

Eventually, this lulls me back to sleep. I understand it may not work for everyone, but just thought I would share!

This Capricorn Lunar Eclipse also falls in the heart of the Sirius Gateway, adding to its power and potential.

Sirius is our “Spiritual Sun” and it is very active all through the first week of July.

During this time, Sirius beams high-frequency energies down to Earth that can help us ascend, recharge, and access higher intelligence.

Sirius energy is magical, and it will be heightening the magic felt around this Eclipse too. Our dreams may be more vivid, or we may receive intuitive or psychic downloads.

We may find ourselves feeling a little anxious or sensitive with all these energies too, so just be sure you are grounding yourself and regularly cleansing your auric field.

Take soothing baths, work with your favorite crystals, spend time in nature, just be kind to yourself as you navigate through all these incredibly transformative energies.

Mercury Retrograde and Mars are also active around this Eclipse, giving it a little heated energy.

You may feel emotions rising and bubbling to the surface, but know this is just your body signaling that it needs a release.

Give yourself a healthy way to release any heated emotions that arise, and find the strength and confidence to speak up and share your truth when it’s called for.

Reaching the end of this Eclipse cycle and the Eclipse Gateway will feel like deep cleansing has taken place. But a lightness will follow, and we may even notice ourselves feeling a deep sense of satisfaction and pride in reaching the end of this cycle.

Use this energy to honor your journey. Honor the changes, the upheaval, and the flow of your life. Honor yourself for who you are today because of it all.

After the energies of the Capricorn Lunar Eclipse come to a simmer, things will lighten and we will get a nice reprieve before Eclipse Season starts again in November.

2020 brings an unusually large number of Eclipses, but we are nearing the finish line, with only two more to go after this one- a Gemini Lunar Eclipse on November 30th and a Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on December 14th.

Your Capricorn Lunar Eclipse Ritual is here

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.