Intuitive Astrology: Mars in Aries 2020

mars in aries 2020

Mars enters Aries on June 27th, where it will stay for an extended six months.

Mars usually spends about 6 weeks in each sign, but its long stay in Aries is due to its retrograde from September 9-November 13, 2020.

Mars is ruled by Aries, so it loves being in this sign. In Aries, Mars is the warrior, helping us to find our inner power and go after what it is that we desire.

Mars in Aries is fiery, motivating energy that brings a boost of energy and helps us to feel passionate, purposeful, and ambitious.

With all this retrograde and Eclipse energy taking place these last few months, Mars in Aries will feel like a burst of inspiration, and we may even feel like we have gotten some of our motivation back. 

As Mars sails through Aries for the first few weeks, the energy is nice and strong, and we can use it to claim our power and make headway on some important projects that need completing. 

As we reach the end of July however, Mars will enter its shadow period where it begins slowing down in preparation for retrograde. 

As Mars slows down and turns retrograde, it will also start making some strong and powerful alignments with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.

These three planets have been key players all through 2020, and their energy can be traced back to a lot of what we have seen unfolding over the year so far.

With Mars activating these three planets, we are bound to see more activity stirred that is similar to what we saw earlier in the year in both January and March.

Mars’ presence may also bring greater tensions and unrest, but also a stronger motivation to find solutions.

No matter what unfolds, the message of Mars in Aries is to claim our independence and to stand in our power, rather than give it away.

Mars in Aries wants us to be the leaders of our lives. This energy is very active, it is about taking a stand, taking action, and moving past our fears. 

As Mars makes its way through Aries, it is not only going to make alignments with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto, it is also going to conjunct the Goddess planets Black Moon Lilith and Eris.

All of these energies are going to flow and work together.

Here is what we can expect to see as Mars tours Aries:

  • Increased motivation to get things done
  • Desire to take back control over our lives
  • Finding the willpower needed to achieve our goals
  • Taking action on passion projects
  • Need for strong, swift action
  • General feelings of restlessness and agitation
  • Feeling moody or quick to anger
  • Butting heads with someone or something
  • Missteps when we rush or doing something with haste
  • Hostility and combativeness 
  • Discord and rising tensions in countries already experiencing unrest 
  • Increase in careless accidents
  • Anger and resistance against rules and restrictions
  • Up and down energy levels
  • Overdoing it or feeling burnt out
  • More likely to do or say something we may regret later
  • More likely to take risks and act on impulses
  • Greater desire for independence 
  • Egoic behavior 
  • Increased feelings of confidence 
  • Ability to overcome/ transcend fears 
  • A desire to claim your power back 
  • A need to face your fears
  • Momentum forward

Mars finally leaves Aries on January 6, 2021.

Read More:

What the Cosmic Skies are Showing us for 2020

Saturn Pluto Conjunction 2020

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About the author


Tanaaz is the creator of Forever Conscious. She is an intuitive astrologer and aims to use her writing to heal and inspire. She is also the author of several books including the Power of Positive Energy, Messages for the Soul, and My Pocket Mantras. She also runs online courses and in-person retreats.