The Tower and The Hanged Man
Now before you get all freaked out, let me say this is a positive thing! And with a New Moon this week, these cards are perfect for planting our seeds in fresh soil.
It is similar energy to last week’s reading, just a little more intense. But we can handle it! The Universe would not give it to us if we could not.
The Tower is a strong card. It is perhaps one of the strongest in the whole of Tarot. It is mandatory in the clearing out of lies, fakeness, or general bullshit.
How are you holding on to a story that is hurting you? What are you doing that makes you feel bad? Who is around you that is no good? Well get thee gone!
The Tower needs you burn that decaying underbrush so you can plant your seeds in fresh soil. This is really the best way to give new ideas a real chance of survival.
We are the ones that set up the environment in which our dreams can grow. If we have a lot of old garbage lying around there is no place for the plants to sprout. You hear me? We have to clear it out!
So take a very long look in the mirror this week and ask yourself, what has got to go?
The warning with The Tower is, if we do not do the cutting ourselves, some things might crumble. We need a strong foundation in which to move forward, and The Hanged Man is asking us to move forward.
The combination of The Tower and The Hanged Man is a very interesting one. On their own, these are some of the strongest cards in the deck and often feared for their intensity.
But their combination is really meaningful and positive. The Tower says, clear out what is no longer serving you. And The Hanged Man says, now lets go on a brand new journey!
We must find a new path. The definition of The Hanged Man is simply that: you cannot move forward on the road you are on and must go somewhere totally new.
But were do we go from here? That is up to you little butterflies!
With the New Moon this week, think deep and hard about where you want to go. And do not limit yourself by thinking small.
The Universe cannot give us what we want unless we ask. And after clearing out the old brush, it is a perfect time to ask for it.
It is all there waiting for us, if we prep the soil and plant the seeds. And by the time of the Full Moon, we will start to see something growing.
Mantra for this week: “I let go of all that is no longer serving me and I take steps down a new path. I ask the Universe to bring me the greatest good or higher. There is no limit.”