The cards pictured are from the Crowley Thoth Tarot Deck.
Princess of Swords and Princess of Disks
March 20th marks our Astrological New Year and the Equinox, a time when day and night are in perfect balance. The cards guide us through this magical period in the cosmos, offering their wisdom on how to move forward and sustain our energy.
Our first card is the Princess of Swords, wielding her sword to cut through the dense fog blocking her view. She has no time for misinformation or lies, and she gets real about what needs to change.
Her vibrations may feel a little blunt but she believes in radical honesty. She calls us to seek this state by tapping into our hearts.
The Princess of Swords has no tolerance for disrespect, manipulation, or dishonesty. If there are places where this energy is present, think about ways you can remove yourself.
If anyone is treating you unkindly (this could even be yourself), this is your time to address it. The Princess of Swords can be a little intense, so find ways to stay measured and respectful, and it will be a positive outcome for everyone.
Ask yourself: How can you disconnect from negativity? How can you move to a place of deeper honesty? How can you be bold and brave?
A great way to begin is by getting active. Go for a long walk or do some exercise to shake off the cobwebs and get your blood flowing. Another effective strategy is to drink water. It may sound simple, but staying hydrated can help clear mental blockages and alleviate feelings of being stuck.
Once we are centered and calm, we can think more clearly. From that space, we can connect with our core self, which brings us to our next card.
The Princess of Disks thrives in the outdoors and encourages us to connect with the natural world. She invites us to spend time in nature for both healing and to enhance our intuition.
The Princess of Disks is a planner. She is hardworking, responsible, and takes care of business. She doesn’t want the spotlight but makes sure everything goes smoothly behind the scenes.
The Princess of Disks is here to support us during this time. While we may feel the urge to spring into action, the Princess encourages us to consider the logistics and details.
What work do we need to begin? What are our initial steps? We feel motivated to enter planning mode. We can approach projects and to-do lists with greater ease and enthusiasm. We keep things progressing as we focus on the bigger picture ahead.
The Princess encourages us to take a step back and invest time in planning to accomplish our tasks successfully. We must recognize that saying no to certain distractions is essential for focusing on our larger goals. Moreover, spending time in nature empowers us, rejuvenating our energy and enhancing our productivity.
Mantra or the week: I center myself in truth and make time to work on my big dreams.
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