Has there been a time in your life that the door to the spirit world has opened? Have you had experiences that you cannot explain, heard voices, seen apparitions or felt different energies?
These experiences are more common than you think and if you have ever been curious to explore or deepen your connection to this energy, then this is where to start –
1.) Start With the Connection to Yourself
Whether the door is already open or you want to work on opening it, the first and most important thing to do is develop a strong connection with yourself. This can be done through meditation, morning pages, different alternative therapies or through creative work. Whatever medium you choose, developing an understanding and deeper awareness is paramount to this type of work. You must reach a place where-
- You understand the ego and how and when it manifests within you
- You have an awareness about your subconscious thought patterns
- You are reprogramming your thoughts to focus on positive and mindful intentions
- You are in tune with your body to know how you feel and are developing your intuition
- You are regularly journaling or writing down your dreams and thoughts
2.) Have a Tool Box of Protection
Before you even think of dabbling in the spirit world you must acquire a tool box of protection which includes:
- Establishing a Strong Connection with Your Guides/Angels: Making a connection with your guides is very important in this type of work as they will act as your protectors and guardians. They will also be able to guide you through the process and be a resource to turn to if you ever need to. Establishing a connection is almost impossible if you don’t at least start trying to do step one first. The inner work is important as it helps us to tune in to when we are actually communicating with our guides or not. Here are two important resources- How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides and Ways our Spirit Guides Communicate with Us. If have trouble establishing a connection to your guides, you can start by reaching out to a god/goddess/deity of your choice such as Jesus, Buddha or Archangel Michael etc.
- Visualizing a White Light of Protection: This is like your spiritual armour and can be programmed to cover you, objects, spaces, and others. While mediating, imagine a white light surrounding your body in your minds eye. Feel how protective it is and trust that no harm can come to you while you are covered. Work on making the light bigger and stronger. Practice using your protective light in everyday situations.
- Charged Crystals: Crystals and stones can be fantastic tools of protection. There are many crystals for protection such as quartz, smoky quartz, amethyst, black kyanite, celestite and fluorite however, it’s more important that you choose a crystal that resonates with you. (How to Charge a Crystal for Protection.)
- Prayer/Mantras/Affirmations: Sometimes there is nothing more powerful than saying a prayer or a mantra. It’s best to come up with something that resonates with you but here is a good example- “I am light, I am love, I am safe from all those who are not aligned with the highest of intentions, I call upon my guides and angels for protection. I am grateful that I am looked after.”
- Smudging: Using sage to cleanse your surroundings and aura is recommended especially after doing any spiritual work or healing. Saging is also great to clear away any negative energies. Here is How to Cleanse Using Sage.
Having a tool box of protection is highly recommended, start with your guides/angels, white light, crystals and then work in your own objects or visualizations that feel right for you.
3.) State Your Intention and Be Open to Receiving
It’s really important to ask yourself the question- Why? Why do you want to establish or further this connection?
Once you are clear about your intention you can ask your guides and angels to help deliver experiences, information and people towards you that will assist you on your journey. Remember to state your intention clearly, you can be an active participant in what you choose to allow in or not.
The final step is being open to receiving and trusting in your abilities and your connection to yourself and source energy. Experiences will come your way when you are truly ready, willing and open to receiving them.
A Word of Caution:
Dabbling in the spirit world can be fun but it can also be dangerous. If you are genuinely interested in expanding your gifts and abilities, the above three steps will guide you well. What you do after these steps however, is up to you and where your intuition and gifts guide you to go. Jumping ahead before you feel ready can be dangerous which is why at any time, if any of this work makes you feel uncomfortable, stop immediately and use your tools of protection.